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Tag Thin Lizzy

Horisont – About Time (Century Media)

Horisont are celebrating ten years in existence with this their fifth album and I’m very happy to say I’ve been with them all the way. Horisont love what they do and it always comes across in their progressive-tinged retro hard… Continue Reading →

Vintage Caravan, Dead Lord, Landskap – London The Underworld,13/11/2016

A little bit of old school worship at The Underworld on a Sunday night is a perfect way to prepare for a new week. Icelandic power trio, The Vintage Caravan are once again laying waste to these shores and London… Continue Reading →

Khemmis – Hunted (20 Buck Spin)

Woah. I guess folks review metal albums for all sorts of reasons. Me? I do it principally because it keeps my brain ticking over when I’m not being mentally battered at work, and I like writing about things. I also… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – Arctic Thunder (Peaceville)

It’s album number 17 or thereabouts for Fenriz and Nocturno Culto. Actually they have travelled so far from the black metal days, which was something they were not even about back in 1991 with Soulside Journey that even calling them… Continue Reading →

Agatus – The Eternalist (Hells Headbangers)

In a time of ancient gods, warlords and why not, yes, probably warrior princesses. A time of wonder, magic and, yes again, weirdly, a time of no electricity but apparently some kind of generating device that could power amps for… Continue Reading →

High Spirits – Motivator (High Roller)

Since their inception, High Spirits are a drug you can’t live without. Chris Black’s vocal tones are fantastic, precise and warming, this album really feels like a seasoned part of your collection from the first run through. It is Instantly… Continue Reading →

Beelzefuzz – The Righteous Bloom (The Church Within)

With their eponymous 2013 debut, Beelzefuzz pretty much set the bar for what those who also set sail on the good ship retro rock would have to live up to; an album that was simultaneously cutting edge and timeless, it… Continue Reading →

The Dead Daisies – Make Some Noise (SPV)

Every few years or so, there always seems to be a huge influx of musicians already in bands looking to collaborate with each other for various reasons. Some of these collaborations become fully fledged bands with a life of their… Continue Reading →

Valient Thorr – Old Salt (Napalm)

There are two sides to every story and sometimes it’s not entirely clear which side is the true version of events. Whether it is about a group of beings hailing from Burlatia, Venus, set on destroying the world through the… Continue Reading →

These Hands Conspire – Sword Of Korhan (Ván)

Science fiction and heavy metal make for a wondrous partnership. Hailing from Berlin, These Hands Conspire have drawn on the classic 70’s and 80’s metal influences to create a soundtrack to their galactic tale. Debut effort, “Sword Of Korhan”, being… Continue Reading →

Planet of Zeus – Loyal To The Pack (S/R)

Athens’ own Planet of Zeus have a reputation for big riffage and since forming in 2000 they have toured extensively including being support for the likes of Clutch and Monster Magnet. There’s no surprise then, that fourth release “Loyal To… Continue Reading →

Wytch Hazel – Prelude (Bad Omen)

Ah, a bit of proper retro-inspired hard-rock/ heavy metal excellence here, coming all the way from…erm…Lancaster. Still, the four piece have been busy, formed in 2011, and this, their first full length release following a fair few EP’s and split… Continue Reading →

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