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Tag The Konsortium

Bergeton – Miami Murder (MeusRecords / Darkhan Music)

One always wonders what bands do for entertainment on those endless tour bus journeys from one city to another and Morten Bergeton Iversen has no doubt clocked up many a mile. Who you ask? Well you probably know him better… Continue Reading →

The Konsortium – Rogaland (Agonia Records)

This Norwegian band is notable for having Dirge Rep (drums), who has played in numerous bands and Teloch (Mayhem, Nidingr) in its ranks and released a self-titled debut in 2011 which I have not heard but it appears that the… Continue Reading →

Nidingr – The High Heat Licks Against Heaven (Indie)

This Norwegian group have always been about keeping things authentic and although they have been quiet since 2012 release ‘Greatest Of Deceivers’ it would appear they have been studying studiously in preparation for its follow up. Reading between the lines… Continue Reading →

Manimalism – S/T (Adversum)

Chances are you have never heard of this rather obscure Norwegian entity but if I told you their roots spread right back in time to the early 90’s when the black metal scene in the country started going all weird… Continue Reading →

Nidingr – Greatest of Deceivers (Indie)

That Teloch is a busy man with so many projects on the go. It’s not enough being in Mayhem alone for him but creativity sees him in the excellent Nunfuckritual, The Konsortium, Ov Hell, Umoral as well as helming Nidingr…. Continue Reading →

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