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Tag Temple Nightside

Austere – Beneath The Threshold (Prophecy)

A state of nothingness for 13 years and then two albums delivered within the space of just one. For whatever reason Australian musos Mitchell Keepin and Tim Yatras found the necessary spark to resurrect Austere, I’m sure nobody is complaining…. Continue Reading →

Runespell – Shores of Nastrond (Iron Bonehead)

Pagan black metal is one of the more mysterious and ambiguous black metal sub-genres and has berthed many a fine work of metal that delves into the darkest and most obscure of pre-Abrahamic beliefs and ideals over the last 30-plus… Continue Reading →

Austere – Corrosion Of Hearts (Prophecy)

When Austere last laid down like old ashes back in 2009 many may have thought the winds had carried them off to scatter over the scorched Australian hinterlands forevermore. Yet despite calling it a day after that album, Mitchell ‘Desolate’… Continue Reading →

Qrixkuor – Poison Palinopsia (Invictus Productions)

Watch out, there’s an unspeakable multidimensional being about, as blackened metal occultists Qrixkuor press the ‘downward spiral’ button on the controls and into the gnostic depths of hopeless but glorious terror in this first full length. After a couple of… Continue Reading →

Temple Nightside – Pillars of Damnation (Iron Bonehead)

Ah, the current hot weather spell in the UK makes me think of good old Australia. I tell you what else makes me think of our south of the equator cousins? Blackened death metal. I reviewed 2016’s “The Hecatomb” album… Continue Reading →

Vassafor – To The Death (Iron Bonehead)

I really rather liked the last album by these NZ shadows, ‘Malediction’ so was pleased to get this as a review, if not a little daunted. Well they are not exactly an easy band and this little musical piece weighs… Continue Reading →

Temple Nightside – The Hecatomb (Iron Bonehead)

Sometimes, the album art says it all. In the case of “The Hecatomb”, greying, blue light dimly lights a crumbling vista festooned with skulls and the detritus of skulls. This, my friends, is an omen of what is to come… Continue Reading →

Sinistrous Diabolus / Vassafor Split (Iron Bonehead)

Here are two tales of New Zealand’s darkest side in the form of a split album. First we have two tracks by Vassafor, starting with “Ossuary in Darkness”. It’s played in the spirit of black metal and makes such anarchic… Continue Reading →

Austere – Withering Illusions And Desolation (Eisenwald)

Sorrow and Desolate are the names of the two players here coming from a land that really puts the downer in down under! You can tell this is not going to be a happy album but if you had already… Continue Reading →

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