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Tag Tank

Deceased – Children of the Morgue (Hell’s Headbangers)

Deceased really are the definition of a “cult” band. They’ve been plying their foetid trade now since 1985, and while many metal heads will be au fait with their name, I wonder how many have taken the step to actually… Continue Reading →

Warhawk – Dambuster (Iron Fist Productions)

If you couldn’t work out who Sweden’s Warhawk sound like in two seconds then why the hell are you listening to metal. Go on try it with one of their tracks on their Bandcamp page or YouTube before continuing to… Continue Reading →

Blood Sport – Hot Blood & Cold Steel (Gates of Hell)

This is a debut release from Finland (there are other bands of the band name), that’s raw and heralds the early North East England NWoBHM scene in approach and production. Take a pinch of Avenger (perhaps a nod to the… Continue Reading →

Torpëdo – Mechanic Tyrants (Gates of Hell)

This is a re-release of this German band’s debut 2019 demo. I have this with the band picture on it, so I am not new to this material. The music is labelled as speed metal, I have more affliction to… Continue Reading →

Pulver – Kings Under The Sand (Gates Of Hell)

So if I was to get all imaginary classroom here and ask hands up anyone who has heard NWOBHM legends Tank, there would be plenty of hands shoot up around that metaphorical room. None more so than the five enthusiastic… Continue Reading →

Fatal Curse – Breaking The Trance (Shadow Kingdom)

What a weird coincidence…or is it? Given this album to review I stuck it in the media player on my computer and having ‘found the info’ on the internet, the player entered the album info automatically…with a release date of… Continue Reading →

Sabaton – The Last Stand (Nuclear Blast)

Sabaton are one of those bands everyone is aware of, and if you aren’t, you soon will be. The Swedes have a truly energetic and engaging live performance which is truly captivating and even those of you who dismiss them… Continue Reading →

EVO ALGY – Damned Unto Death (High Roller)

EVO (Paul Evans/Paul Evo) is the guy from UK non-conformists Warfare and ALGY (Ward) is the original Tank bassist and founder. Based on their past history, I would expect a brash and harsh release, which you get in places. The… Continue Reading →

Bulldozing Bastard – Under The Ram (High Roller)

Bulldozing Bastard do exact what their name would suggest, that being kicking your doors in, stinking you out with B.O., stale beer and fags, incessantly whipping their lank hair in your face, leaving you covered in sputum after generally rocking… Continue Reading →

Blind Guardian – Beyond the Red Mirror (Nuclear Blast)

There are times when a band’s own distinctiveness can become a millstone around their neck – when the unique path that they forged can, as the years progress, begin to resemble something of a creative straitjacket compelling them to continue… Continue Reading →

Zero Down – No Limit To The Evil (Minotauro Records)

There’s something immediately American about Zero Down. The instantly familiar style of the artwork (done by Ed Repka of Death/Megadeth etc fame) aside, the band’s look, style and sound really does seem very Stateside. And Zero Down ARE American (luckily… Continue Reading →

Asomvel – Knuckle Duster (Bad Omen Records)

I doubt that any self respecting metaller that follows the scene within the UK hasn’t at least witnessed a live show by these purist heavy metal purveyors, or know that they tragically lost founding member Jay-Jay Winter in a road… Continue Reading →

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