Well, this is very different to my expectations. As long time readers will know, the Editor of this august publication lets humble reviewers, such as yours truly, select their preferred albums from brief descriptions which are delivered by virtue of… Continue Reading →
Deep into space or beneath the ocean are two places that music often transport you to and they are places that I certainly like to dwell mainly due to the fantasy elements as they are places that most of us… Continue Reading →
Dark, decedent and delicious are all words that come to me when listening to German band Valborg’s fifth album. Although they have been around for a while and released quite a bit this is my first encounter with them and… Continue Reading →
As fans we have a deep but usually distant relationship with the bands we love. We care and we hope and we revel in their art and the emotions they stir inside us. But on occasions, in some respects, we… Continue Reading →
Spring is very much in the air on this split album. We are greeted by an idyllic Swiss looking field in bloom on the cover which is in the form of an interesting green tracing paper design and inside there… Continue Reading →
This is one very welcome reissue as far as I am concerned as it is the only album from Ukrainian one man act Munruthel that has so far escaped me. The first album I heard was the successor to this… Continue Reading →
East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon sees Varg venturing back into his non-metal Skaldic influenced instrumental music for this his eleventh album. That statement alone may have had some of his earnest enthusiasts shaking heads and turning off… Continue Reading →
Well even with a basic grasp of German you should know what an Autobahn is and with Kometbahn it’s not difficult to guess we are heading to space along with the comet’s path. Then there is the name of the… Continue Reading →
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