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Tag Symphonic Black

Argenthorns – The Ravening (Avantgarde Music)

Oh man. That’s it, that’s the review. In all seriousness, I don’t know what else to add. This is a perfect album. You want more? Sure, let me see. Creepy synths? Check. Perfectly shrieky vocals enmeshed with cavernous soliloquys? Check… Continue Reading →

Demonstealer – The Propaganda Machine (Black Lion)

The Demonstealer, whom we shall come back to shortly, has been a band since 1998, but has also been producing released records since 2008, and so by any measure has been in the game a long time. Turns out that… Continue Reading →

Diablation – Par La Fue (Osmose)

French diabolism is the name of the game here with an outfit comprising of ex-Seth vocalist Vicomte Vampyr Arkames and members of Bâ’a and Ad Inferna among others. We are also told that there is involvement from Hreidmarr from Glaciation… Continue Reading →

Forsaken Eternity- Kingdom of Ice (Rottweiler Records)

I’m not sure Portland, Oregon, where Forsaken Entity come from, experiences ice but it’s clear from all directions that this album sets out to be a grandiose affair, and kingdoms of ice fit that narrative. Symphonic black metal calls up… Continue Reading →

Vargrav – Reign In Supreme Darkness (Werewolf Records)

As we move ever closer to the summer months I find my adoration for Black Metal and Blackened music dwindling. Essentially I am like a Metal tortoise, in the sun I flourish with the brighter more energetic tones of Death,… Continue Reading →

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