Parisian four piece, the enigmatically named Anna Sage, seem to come in from the cold, having formed in 2012, released their debut EP in 2017 and then despite a smattering of support slots with such scene luminaries as 68 and… Continue Reading →
There’s a lot to unpick here when dissecting this, the third album from Bunuel, a supergroup of sorts from the malcontent, the ostracised, the damaged, the put upon, the depressed, the outliers, the three percent, the curious, the avant-garde and… Continue Reading →
Poughkeepsie, New York is the birthplace for the wonderfully named and furiously talented band Genghis Tron who have engineered the most peculiar and welcome return since Lazarus. ‘It’s Genghis Tron Jim, but not as you know it’. It would be… Continue Reading →
There’s something about three-piece bands, whether it’s Venom, Jawbreaker, Sumac or Prong, there is something that resonates around the purity and sparseness of bands comprising just three people, that purveys a cleanliness of mission and sound that is hard to… Continue Reading →
Having just journeyed to Chicago on a work trip, I was amazed at how many music venues and venues playing host to live music there seemed to be. The city seemed to be steeped and influenced by music in a… Continue Reading →
Parisians, Lost In Kiev, return with this their third full length effort that see’s the band step off their well-trodden path of long form epic stanzas of alt/math rock mini operas and segue into shorter more direct songs. It feels… Continue Reading →
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