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Tag Stench of Dismemberment

Corpsefucking Art – Splatterphobia (Comatose)

When you see Death Metal as humorous have you gone too far? The answer is probably yes, the prospect of slaughter, rape and cannibalism isn’t something one should joke about. But when it becomes an over-the-top barrage of insane ideas… Continue Reading →

Devangelic – Phlegethon (Comatose Music)

It is fair to say that Devangelic’s sophomore release `Phlegethon’ is one heavy album. Meatier than a 48 ounce steak between two giant hams, this is a truly crushing, devastating album. This is a prime cut, if you will, of… Continue Reading →

Devangelic – Resurrection Denied (Comatose Music)

There are very few occasions when I find an album difficult to listen to in a repetitive loop. This isn’t because it’s bad, far from it, but owing to its sheer intensity & brutality it eventually becomes a little much…. Continue Reading →

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