Forged in 2014, this impressive Italian Heavy/Doom Metal band unleash their second album through Supreme Chaos and continue to build on their impressive debut. To elaborate on that Heavy/Doom Metal tag, we’re talking Spiritual Beggars/Mushroom River Band/The Quill type territory,… Continue Reading →
Right. So here are some things I have discovered since doing a google search on the terms “Dun Ringill”: 1) Dun Ringill is the name of a Scottish Iron age fort on the Isle of Skye. 2) It is also… Continue Reading →
I’m not going to lie, there are times when being a reviewer has all of the perks. I’m a huge Witchery fan, so when this clattered into my…erm…inbox, I was very excited! With the exception of the frankly mediocre “Witchkrieg”,… Continue Reading →
It’s been a long time since I caught up with this band, their debut in fact, and as the album title suggests, this is now album number 4. Oh how the time flies, but seriously, I was intrigued by the… Continue Reading →
You know, I tend to grit my teeth whenever I hear a new rock or metal band described as a “Super Group”, an overused moniker that often means a hodgepodge of disparate artists thrown together by label pressures or a… Continue Reading →
Time for a wee history lesson folks; regular readers of Ave Noctum, or even casual viewers of the metal scene, can not have failed to notice that in the last couple of years there has been a bit of a… Continue Reading →
The releases by Hummus have given me the opportunity to experience and indulge in some of the most experimental music I’ve heard in a long time. Closet Disco Queen whose strange moniker shines a light on the aural strangeness contained… Continue Reading →
I actually heard this bands “Kaiserhof” debut album years ago but forgot about it, so I gave it another spin to remind myself of what it was like and much like this new album Kayser play thrash metal and have… Continue Reading →
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