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Tag Slagmaur

Tragediens Trone – S/T (Osmose)

Although it has been 13 years since this group released a demo they suddenly are signed to Osmose and are unleashing a debut album. Not bad really and there are reasons they are sitting comfortably on their throne of tragedy… Continue Reading →

Mystagos – Azoth (Black Seed Productions)

At the helm of this Spanish black metal project is Heolstor who has his creative fingers in other projects. Prior to becoming Mystagos this project was called Chains Ov Beleth for about a decade before changing name. Black metal itself… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival – Oslo, Norway 12-15th April 2017 Day 4

Day Four Saturday 15th April The final day of any festival is always bitter sweet, with a whole day’s festivities still to look forward to, but also knowing that it is almost over. Thankfully day four at Inferno was another… Continue Reading →

Slagmaur – Thill Smitts Terror (Osmose)

I must say that the highly dramatic symphonic strains of the opener to this album immediately put one of my favourite bands Carach Angren into my mind. Given that Slagmaur are known for their outlandish outfits on stage and more… Continue Reading →

Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem In Blue (Dark Essence Records)

I was first introduced to this Greek band via their second album titled “Oi Magoi” and was struck immediately by their uniqueness and their completely off the wall style. So, buckle up as we head down the proverbial rabbit hole… Continue Reading →

Kvltist – Catechesis (World Terror Committee)

As the end of 2015 looms so do the end of year lists as I tend to wait until the last minute before producing said lists on the off chance that something truly amazing comes my way and blows my… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival – Oslo, Norway – 4th April 2015

Day Four – Saturday 4th April Taking a short tour with my shooter around some of the records shops in Oslo could have been fatalistic to our finances but we restrained and took some more silly photos amid the piles… Continue Reading →

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