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Tag shoegaze

Thränenkind – The Elk (Lifeforce Records)

The album art, a colourless, out-of-focus shack lost in a barren wasteland, should tip you off to the kind of music that lurks within. Thränenkind are just one of a batch of ambient hardcore bands that seem to be turning… Continue Reading →

Acacia – Tills döden skiljer oss åt (Art Of Propaganda)

This is an album I have been trying to put internet pen to paper down for a while but it keeps making me to come back for another listen and it is not a short album either. Acacia on paper… Continue Reading →

Total Negation – Zur Späten Stunde | Zeiträume (Temple Of Torturous)

One look at the cover art tells you immediately this is going to be one of those albums that will leave you puzzled after the first listen but will well and truly hit home on subsequent plays. As a one… Continue Reading →

Harakiri For The Sky – ST (Art Of Propaganda)

So cutting your stomach open and performing ritual suicide for the sky! Well it’s an interesting name adopted by this duo from Austria (and there are already four called Seppuku) so what of the actual music on this debut album?… Continue Reading →

Winters – Berlin Occult Bureau (Van Records)

The cover of this screams black metal – black and white, gothic font, skulls, but this is as far from black metal  (musically that is) as you can get within the rock world. Lyrically and subject wise ‘Berlin Occult Bureau’… Continue Reading →

Australasia – Sin4tr4 (Golden Morning Sounds)

Are you a glass half empty or half full sort of person? If half empty you might think that at 22 minutes long you are missing half an album here along with something else rather important. Ah yes vocals? If… Continue Reading →

An Autumn for Crippled Children – Only the Ocean Knows (Aeturnitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundimentam)

So the highly regarded Dutch three-piece return with their third album in two years and even a cursory listen reveals that it very much appears that this whole ‘post Black Metal’ thing is alive and well. Indeed, it really does… Continue Reading →

Nachtvorst – Silence (Code666)

Nachtvorst (that would be Night Frost, I believe. As opposed to Nachtwurst which I read it as initially and wondered what the lyrical concerns could possibly be of a band called Night Sausage….) are a Dutch duo who apparently play… Continue Reading →

Les Discrets – Ariettes Oubliées (Prophecy Productions)

And whilst we’re on the subject of ‘not metal’… this is an interesting one. Les Discret’s affecting and pastoral 2010 debut ‘Septembre et Ses Dernières Pensées’ was generally considered to be ‘not metal’, as much by its creators than anyone… Continue Reading →

Aus Der Transzendenz- Breed of A Dying Sun (I Voidhanger Recordings)

Aus Der Transzendenz are Austrian, but the bandmembers’ identities remain shrouded in mystery; we are told only that they are known individuals operating within the black metal underground. The accompanying promo text is all very over the top, espousing an… Continue Reading →

Alcest – Les Voyages Des L’Ame

 Artist: Alcest Title: Les Voyages De L’Ame Type: Album Label: Prophecy Productions Alcest are a band that divides opinions, and let’s face it; they are about as threatening as a sheepskin rug. They are the cuddly toy of the metal… Continue Reading →

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