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Tag Scorpion Child

Kryptograf – The Eldorado Spell (Apollon Music)

For many months now I’ve been slowly formulating the theory that the esteemed editor of the review site that you are currently perusing has been gaslighting me by sending nothing but wave after wave of Swedish rock and metal for… Continue Reading →

Duel – In Carne Persona (Heavy Psych Sounds)

If you’ve ever had the dubious pleasure of bumping into me, whilst my age is apparent, what is not immediately obvious is that my education was quite posh, well, as posh as you could manage living in Manchester in the… Continue Reading →

Duel – Valley of Shadows (Heavy Psych Sounds)

Fucking hell, but time flies. Go back to 2013, and my joint favourite albums of the year were Hell’s ‘Chapter and Curse’ and Scorpion Child’s self titled helping of excellence. Well “what does that have to do with this review… Continue Reading →

The Golden Grass – Absolutely (Listenable Records)

Greetings fellow retronauts, it’s time to don your flares, drape your finest love beads around your necks, and set sail on the good ship ‘Absolutely’ care of Professor Plum Brandy, The Golden Goose, and The Fireball, a rock power trio… Continue Reading →

Crobot – Welcome To Fat City (Nuclear Blast)

Back in the mists of time, okay October 2014 to be honest (see Ave Noctum passim), I reviewed Crobot’s first release ‘Something Supernatural’, and revisiting that review, I guess I was less than generous, enjoying it, but not being blown… Continue Reading →

Zodiac – Grain of Soul (Napalm)

Hey folks, do your shelves at home groan under the weight of Bon Jovi’s albums? Like Kiss, do you want to “rock and roll all night, and party every day”? Do you hear the phrase “extreme metal” and think of… Continue Reading →

The Golden Grass – Coming Back Again (Listenable)

It seems that the push for retro rock is continuing unabated, and I am personally looking forward with great anticipation to new releases this year from Blues Pills and Scorpion Child, acts that in years gone by have both ridden… Continue Reading →

Duel – Fears Of The Dead (Heavy Psych Sounds)

In their own words, Duel are lovers of all things classic. Shunning a more current sound, this Texan four piece, containing two former members of Scorpion Child have embraced the sounds of the late 60’s and early 70’s classic rock… Continue Reading →

Deadheads – Loadead (High Roller)

Is there something in the water in Sweden that means it produces more bands per capita than any other nation on Earth? From bouncy electronic bubblegum pop to the most demonic of corpse painted nun botherers, it sometimes feels as… Continue Reading →

Oblivious – Out of Wilderness (Gaphals)

Despite this being their third album, albeit apparently after a line-up overhaul and label change, Oblivious are an act that I’ve been, well, oblivious to. So, is ‘Out of Wilderness’ the album to amend their status on my ever burgeoning… Continue Reading →

Blues Pills – Devil Man – Nuclear Blast

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, there is definitely something retro in the air at the moment.  Forget the Glastonbury attending NME trendoids who think “Old School” means something from the late nineties, there seems to be… Continue Reading →

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