There are times, when you have to reign yourself in, take yourself in hand (not like that), look yourself in the mirror and gaze deeply upon the very essence of your being, your soul, the very fibre that holds your… Continue Reading →
The continuous evolutionary flux of Emma Ruth Rundle has been fascinating to follow and listen to – from her time in Marriages, to her solo material and collaborations with Chelsea Wolfe and Thou, she is always pushing sonic boundaries, revealing… Continue Reading →
It’s been almost a decade since the release of Chelsea Wolfe’s debut ‘The Grime and the Glow’, in the 9 years that have followed her sound has grown and evolved alongside her popularity, often lauded as “the PJ Harvey of… Continue Reading →
Having just journeyed to Chicago on a work trip, I was amazed at how many music venues and venues playing host to live music there seemed to be. The city seemed to be steeped and influenced by music in a… Continue Reading →
With a career that spans almost thirty years, nine full length albums under their belt and a claim to have been the main creative influence behind Sunn O))), Earth are pretty much a household name for those with even the… Continue Reading →
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