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Tag Ruins of Beverast

Darkspace –II (Season Of Mist)

Blimey, has it really been a whole decade since we last had recorded material from enigmatic Swiss explorers of the cosmos Darkspace? It’s not like the trio comprising of Wroth, Zhaaral and new member Yhs have found themselves stranded on… Continue Reading →

Vertebra Atlantis – A Dialogue With The Eeriest Sublime (I, Voidhanger)

Here we have an album for those who don’t like their music to stagnate and stand still. This trio from Italy include G.G. from Cosmic Putrefaction, Summit and The Clearing Path in their ranks and make a strange sound which… Continue Reading →

Inferno – Paradeigma (Phosphenes of Aphotic Eternity) (Debemur Morti Productions)

Inferno have been around a good while. This Czech Black Metal ensemble have been casting their spells since 1996 and Paradeigma is their eighth full length release. This album has as its muses a triumvirate of weighty tomes – “The Red Book” by Jung ,  “Time Reborn” by… Continue Reading →

Volc Vermaledide – Nietig (Heidens Hart)

In circulation since 2001 and with historic connections to Dutch black metal acts such as Cirith Gorgor and Walpurgisnacht, this album is said to appeal to fans of Ruins of Beverast and Summoning, as well as those of dungeon synth… Continue Reading →

Nubivagant – Roaring Eye (Amor Fati)

It’s going to be a good winter, if this platter casually tossed into the ether by the untried and untested Nubivagant is anything to go by. Sure, I admit, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic with economic meltdown… Continue Reading →

Eremit – Carrier of Weight (Transcending Obscurity)

Transcending Obscurity records is the home for German Sludge/Doom duo Eremit’s debut, Carrier of Weight. Damn is there some weight held within. 68 mins of metal spread haphazardly over just three tracks. This is not doom for the light hearted or… Continue Reading →

Seer – Volume 6 (Artoffact Records)

Seer are a quintet from Vancouver BC -why do people always put BC is there another Vancouver – I neither know nor care- what I do care about is the big noise these 5 boys make.  (Edit – I have just… Continue Reading →

Khanus – Flammiron (I, Voidhanger)

Ready for some metal of death with shamanic drumming and chanting, occasional soprano vocals and choral aspects and even the use of a singing bowl? Well that should give you an idea that this album, the first from Khanus following… Continue Reading →

Almyrkvi – Umbra (Ván)

What is even more shocking than Iceland’s recent rampant assault on the black metal scene (yes, we’re all still going on about it) is that it took so bloody long. I mean, sure Norway has the fjords and the mountains,… Continue Reading →

Mightiest – Sinisterra (Cyclone Empire)

Oh man. On first encounters, there’s so much going for this record, it’s ridiculous – some fantastic Paolo Girardi cover art; a thunderous, enveloping production; referencing some of Germany’s finest black metal exports such as Lunar Aurora and Ruins of… Continue Reading →

Todesstoss – Hirngemeer (I, Voidhanger Records)

Now, before I get stuck into this – and get stuck in I most certainly will – I need to clarify my position. I am no enemy of the avant-garde and the surreal, the abstract and the inaccessible. I have… Continue Reading →

Aevangelist – Omen Ex Simulacra (Debemur Morti)

Something that has become increasingly apparent to me as I have aged is the importance of ‘form’ within the realms of extreme metal. By that I mean, the accolades that can be showered upon something almost of a direct result… Continue Reading →

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