There’s an old adage that you should never judge a book by its cover. Well, “never” is too strong a condition as far as I’m concerned. If the cover of the book has words like “Jeffrey Archer” or “Dan Brown”… Continue Reading →
There is no denying that Steve Bastado aka Steve (Speed Machine) Redman has led one hell of an interesting life. He probably has the scars to prove it and he definitely has the tattoos. He was in both the Magic… Continue Reading →
With just two tracks making up this album, and the only vocals being the apocalyptic sample of mankind’s destruction that opens the proceedings, Space Witch have really set a challenge for their listeners in this eponymous debut album. I’m not… Continue Reading →
Svart Records are really firing on all cylinders at the moment. This small, independent label is currently home to such underground stars as Brutus, In-Graved, Domovoyd, Tombstoned, and if you use the search function here with Svart as the criteria,… Continue Reading →
2014 is the third straight year that North Carolina’s own Bloody Hammers have produced a full length album, coming hard on the heels of their self titled 2012 début and last years Spiritual Relics, and during that time they have… Continue Reading →
The first album by this band, whose name translates as “Occult Rituals”, was described as “50 minutes of monolithic riffs, (which) immerses the listener into an abyss of dark psychedelic sounds and ritualistic atmospheres”. That pretty well sums up “Secta”,… Continue Reading →
Oh hell. There are some times your role sucks and this is one of mine. The problem comes when you get an album to review from a respected record company, with the PR sheet waxing lyrical and philosophical and great… Continue Reading →
If “ability to worship Black Sabbath” and “power to ignore the last 40 years as though it never happened” was the scoring system on this site then Orchid would be getting a straight ten. Short of having Ozzy Osbourne singing,… Continue Reading →
So album number… actually is anyone really still keeping count? There have been so many albums, either official or not over the years that to have a complete discography of everything is going to be a real task. I certainly… Continue Reading →
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