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Tag Primordial

Interview – Mael Mordha

I think it’s safe to say that Damned When Dead by Mael Mordha is not just one of the year’s most enthralling releases, but also one of the most passionate, imaginative and epic. With so much drama and history within,… Continue Reading →

Twilight of the Gods – Fire on the Mountain (Season of Mist)

The number of times I have heard the tiresome arguments about band x or y “not being metal” I have always countered with the same answer. Metal, in the non-material sense, is not just a style of music. It is… Continue Reading →

Mael Mordha – Damned When Dead (Candlelight)

You know that ache that the best music can give you? That one that begins behind your ribcage and seeps into your guts and just swells until it forces itself out through your mouth in a chant or a cry… Continue Reading →

Neptrecus – L’Aube De Declin (Ancestrale Production)

As French as the album and song titles suggest, Neptrecus return with their first full-length album after releasing a demo back in early 2012. Some of the tracks here may indeed ring with an air of familiarity if you heard… Continue Reading →

Interview – From The Bogs Of Aughiska

‘ The Roots Of This Earth Within Your Blood,’ the remarkable second album from Irish mist weavers From The Bogs Of Aughiska is a dark, frightening and compelling ambient work and one that had coils within coils. So given the… Continue Reading →

Damnation Festival – Leeds University 3/11/12

Scroll down to bottom of review for photos!  The annual Damnation Festival held in Leeds is, I think it is fair to say, the biggest indoor metal event in the North of England. Every year it sees a huge crowd… Continue Reading →

Exsequor – For the Fallen (SR)

This one man black metal outfit that is Exsequor is very clear about his music and purpose. He reveals that he is interested in Medieval history and his influences are Bathory, Satyricon, Primordial and Emperor. I actually sensed the strains… Continue Reading →

Primordial, Hell & Winterfylleth – Islington Academy 5/5/12

Apparently as soon as doors opened the night before the London show in Manchester 500 people were straight in to give Winterfylleth rousing support. London is one of those places where people prefer to sit in the pub (and with… Continue Reading →

Llvme – Yia De Nuesu (My Kingdom Music)

With a name that sounds like a Welsh marriage proposal, Llvme are actually from the Leonese region of Spainand their name is the regional word for fire. Purveyors of the finest Leonese folk doom, Llvme perform entirely in their regional… Continue Reading →

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