Crust punk from Aðalbjörn Tryggvason of Solstafir and more guests than you can shake a stick at? Oh ok go on then, I’m game. The cover though seems to be trying a little too hard; an 80s pastiche with regulation… Continue Reading →
Some blood, a corvid, a hint of Bathory and Poe, some fire and blackened doom from this Australian band made up of past and present members of Nazxul, Nox Inferi, Nocturnes Mist and Pestilential Shadows. Following up 2018 album ‘God… Continue Reading →
At last, it’s great to be back and about bloody time. Some Dutch courage no doubt helped those of us still not 100% certain about shedding the masks and dispensing with the social distancing, which totally went out the window… Continue Reading →
It’s going to be a good winter, if this platter casually tossed into the ether by the untried and untested Nubivagant is anything to go by. Sure, I admit, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic with economic meltdown… Continue Reading →
At the beginning of the year, I had the impression that everyone who could afford to do so was putting off releases. Since the beginning of the summer, in normal times a bit of a dry season, great albums have… Continue Reading →
You know it’s been a god-long time since I had any true doom to review. It’s all 70s flare botherers and sludgy death these days. This was doubly gratefully received as Death The Leveller rose from the ashes of Irish… Continue Reading →
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