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Tag Primordial

Winterfylleth – The Imperious Horizon (Candlelight)

Eighth album. Eight. Seventeen, eighteen years. First album for four though; a statistic that is oh so prevalent. The plague years. Some descended into denial and conspiracies during the laying of that strata, some stood face to face with the… Continue Reading →

Arx Atrata – A Reckoning (S/R)

It’s all too easy to forget about the likes of one-man black metal artists who go it alone independently, not playing live and just occasionally popping up to deliver a new album. Arx Atrata is the work of Nottinghamshire based… Continue Reading →

Fall Of Serenity – Open Wide, Oh Hell (Lifeforce Records)

This German act may well have been forgotten as the sands of time passed. After releasing third album ‘The Crossfire’ way back in 2007 there was a long period of silence until they somewhat ironically broke it with 2023 single… Continue Reading →

Primordial & March To Die – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 2/2/24

For a long time, I’ve been waiting for February to come. There was only one reason: concerts. Many metal concerts. In February, every week there was something special happening in Thessaloniki. On February 2nd, once again, Primordial appeared on the… Continue Reading →

Ponte Del Diavolo – Fire Blades From The Tomb (Season of Mist)

Formed in 2020, these Turin based metallers drop their debut long player after a string of EP’s. “Fire Blades From The Tomb” finds the band delivering their own take on a doom meets black metal mix. Utilising two bass guitarists… Continue Reading →

RüYYn – Chapter II: The Flames, The Fallen, The Fury (LADLO)

Primarily the work of Romain Paulet although extended to a full band for live excursions RüYYn (pronounced Ruin) are a fairly new outfit only active since 2021. Previous to this they released a self-titled EP which kind of left our… Continue Reading →

Primordial – How It Ends (Metal Blade)

I still fondly remember those early ‘Imrama’ shows put on by The Devil’s Church in London when Primordial, fresh off the ferry from Ireland, were just creating a stir in the underground. Was it really almost 30 years ago their… Continue Reading →

Waxen – Die Macht Von Hassen (Moribund)

Toby Knapp could never be accused of lying idle. The American guitar maestro spreads his time across solo projects, Affliktor and his thrashy black metal project, Waxen just to mention a few. “Die Macht Von Hassen” is the sixth release… Continue Reading →

Ǥứŕū – Nova Lvx (Sleeping Church)

Obviously a simple umlaut on their name is not enough for this band. Comprising of four gents and a lady and hailing from various parts of France, not a huge amount is known about them other than the fact this… Continue Reading →

Verminous Serpent – The Malign Covenant (Amor Fati Productions)

I volunteered to review this malevolent creature essentially on the basis that it featured none other than A.A.Nemthegea on vocals and bass, and I am a big fan of his output. I really had no idea what else the band… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 18/8/22

Thursday morning was restful and saw me taking a stroll around the burial mounds, soaking up the atmosphere before Vargvrede opened the music for me in the Gildehallen. I was familiar with their studio work and I had always been impressed, not… Continue Reading →

Saor – Origins (Season of Mist)

Saor is a Gaelic word meaning free or unconstrained. Saor is also a one man band flying the flag for Scottish inspired blackened folk metal. The concept for heritage and folk influenced heavy music has been quite noticeable among Nordic… Continue Reading →

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