What is in a label? A genre label I mean, not a record label. I’ve heard so many arguments recently about the need to put a band’s music in a very clearly defined pigeon hole so that everyone can feel… Continue Reading →
KEN mode isn’t the name of some dodgy East End jewellery trader, but is the name of a well-established post hardcore / noise rock band from Canada. I understand that KEN stands for “Kill Everyone Now”. “Entrench” may be their… Continue Reading →
The follow up to 2008’s ‘What You Were’, ‘The Great Silence’ sees North dropping some of the prettier post-rock elements of their sound and picking up some heavier, sludge influenced inspirations, that’s most apparent on the guitars. The atmospheric and… Continue Reading →
With the album name subtitled as ‘Visions Of Heaven Hell And Purgatory’ this is one of those pieces of music with a lot to dig beneath as far as the concept is concerned. It is kind of at odds with… Continue Reading →
Ah some nice instrumental landscape building here from two artists from France and Montreal respectively. Year Of No Light I had heard of and recognise as quite highly regarded but Thisquietarmy (note all one word) are completely new to me…. Continue Reading →
Trillion Red and the man behind them Patrick Brown are back with a debut album following on from last years EP taster ‘Two Tongues.’ Said EP slightly confused me although on the whole I certainly enjoyed it whilst saying I… Continue Reading →
OK firstly I’ve listened to this album intensely and, no, I still have no idea about that title. Actually I could probably say the same about the entire album but you and the band deserve more than that. Sooo…. Opium… Continue Reading →
Lately, there’s been an awful lot of both creaking ocean-themed concepts and atmospheric hardcore albums knocking about and this little beauty hammers both of those increasingly prevalent events together. These points might lead one to believe that Whales & Aurora… Continue Reading →
Are you a glass half empty or half full sort of person? If half empty you might think that at 22 minutes long you are missing half an album here along with something else rather important. Ah yes vocals? If… Continue Reading →
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