As the title suggests this is the third EP in a series from Swedes Svarta Stugan following on from a self-titled debut and second release ‘A Mutation And A Madness.’ They describe it as being inspired by the likes of… Continue Reading →
A rather nifty little promo from Hummus records, hand numbered for the media can you believe and presenting a couple of heavyweight acts each with its own style creating a contrasting split release. There seems to have been a fad… Continue Reading →
With so many cookie-cutter bands around jumping into the nearest genre and ‘paying homage’ to all that has gone before, it’s sometimes difficult to get your head around exactly where a band like Sólstafir is coming from. Like all things… Continue Reading →
2011’s ‘The Obsidian Plains’ is a helluva album to have to follow, however, considering the superstar line up of the Minneapolis/Chicago trio that is Wolvhammer – Jeff Wilson (ex-Krieg and Nachtmystium), Adam Clemans (ex-Iron Thrones and Veil of Maya) and… Continue Reading →
With how rare it is these days that a band or label actually takes the time and effort to send a finished CD for review, it’s almost worth an extra mark in itself. How equally disappointing to find that the… Continue Reading →
I am a great fan of this Belgian band’s previous work “The Long Now” (2011). Its devastating swathes of sludgy sadness are just part of a electrifying progression. Like a book you don’t want to put down, the ever-changing moods… Continue Reading →
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