Having the album of a contestant from The Voice is something that every self-respecting music journalist prays will never happen – however, an exception can be made for the Swedish talent that is Nicole Sabouné. The singer/songwriter made it to… Continue Reading →
On reviewing The Membranes supporting Killing Joke I mentioned need to explore the band further and founding member John Robb also of Goldblade and the person behind excellent website and magazine Louder The War was quick to heed my call…. Continue Reading →
“Winter Is Coming” and I’m sure I’m not the only closet Game Of Thrones fan who has started off a review of New Model Army’s 13th studio album this way. Truth is I had to wait a while for it… Continue Reading →
I have been keeping my beady ears on Alaric since their debut self released album in 2011 and follow up split with Atriarch the year later. In my opinion they are one of the most authentic sounding groups who tread… Continue Reading →
Starless’, it has to be said, has taken me somewhat by surprise. I remember coming across Ketzer several years ago when they played live with Tribulation in which they delivered a suitably raucous, blazing slew of frantic thrashened black metal… Continue Reading →
One of my most anticipated albums of the year and there’s been much in the way of promotion leading up to this, in fact you could hardly have failed to realise that it was on the way if you are… Continue Reading →
This rag-tag-bag of Swedes pretty much came out of nowhere delivering their storming first album ‘Alfapokalypse’ onto the scene and giving it a real kick up the arse in the process back in early 2014. It’s an album that still… Continue Reading →
When an album comes through for review that states “Recommended if you like… Joy Division”, it’s certain to draw my interest. In the case of Publicist UK (the UK part being a particular curse bestowed upon acts of a more…ahem…”gothic”… Continue Reading →
So we are more in Pitchfork than Iron Fist or Terrorizer territory here but we like to mix things up a bit and Disappears sound is certainly one that I am au fait with. I have fleeting memories of their… Continue Reading →
With a name like Hateful Abandon you could expect this lot to be some sort of doom death conglomeration but they are not as I found out picking up their interesting looking last release 2011 album ‘Move’ on the cheap… Continue Reading →
New Zealand based blackened doom merchants, The House of Capricorn bring an interesting offering to the altar with their occult heavy third full length album. With an ominous feeling that the end is looming, they mix the atmospheric nature of… Continue Reading →
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