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Tag Poland

Leash Eye – Busy Nights, Hazy Days (S/R)

Right from the off, there’s no denying that this is an album oozing classic Southern Hard Rock, a style so rooted in American Rock history that only a band from Nashville or Texas or a select number of other dusty… Continue Reading →

Decapitated – Cancer Culture (Nuclear Blast)

The years since their last album (2017s “Anticult”) haven’t been kind to Decapitated. False rape charges were brought against the band members whilst touring the USA in late 2017, COVID-19 interrupted their European tour with Beyond Creation in March 2020,… Continue Reading →

Warfist – Tuefels (Godz Ov War)

Formed 18 years ago, this is the fourth full length album by the Polish duo of drummer and backing vocalist Pavulon and guitarist and vocalist Mihu, with session and live bassist Nechrist. Labelling themselves as Blackened Thrash Metal, I have… Continue Reading →

Crystal Viper – The Last Axeman (Listenable)

Crystal Viper are a formidable force in the European Heavy metal scene. Their sound, a tight blend of traditional heavy metal, Euro Metal and NWOBHM has been refined over the years and the band has been highly consistent in terms… Continue Reading →

MRome – Barbaric Values (NRA)

As Killing Joke stated whilst looking for ‘Sanity’ “So let the sunrise light up the distant shores and we’ll remember last days of Rome again.”. It seems to be these days of Emperor Constantine The Great that Polish band MRome… Continue Reading →

Soulcarrion – Infernal Agony (Godz Ov War)

This debut album by Polish act Soulcarrion seems to have appeared from nowhere, in fact information is scant except that the band is comprised of Greg and Michał plus a session vocalist Sibila who resides in Vishurddha. Added to that… Continue Reading →

Asgaard – What If… (WormHoleDeath)

There are many things I think about when hearing this band’s name but “intelligent structures” is right up there. I can entirely understand why comparisons might be made with Katatonia, Anathema and Amorphis because this is a band which doesn’t… Continue Reading →

Black Altar / Vulture Lord – Deathiah Manifesto (Odium Records)

Deathiah Manifesto is both the coming together of Polish Black Metal stalwarts Black Altar and Norwegian Black thrash pioneers Vulture Lord but also a labour of love marking a tribute to the European underground. Offering up four tracks each, the bands have managed to concoct… Continue Reading →

Hegerøth – Sacra Doctrina (S/R)

It’s thanks to writing reviews that I know about Hegerøth, and I have to say that from what I’ve heard so far, they are incapable of a bad album. This is a black metal band with control over its music,… Continue Reading →

Weedpecker – IV The Stream of Forgotten Thoughts (Stickman)

In the world of stoner, sludge, doom and psych I thought I had seen every form of Cannabis worship integrated into band names. Step forward Poland’s Weedpecker to tap (or is that peck) me on the shoulder. This Warsaw quartet have been in existence… Continue Reading →

Gurthang – Hearts of the Hollow (Immortal Frost Productions)

Ah, Gurthang the sword meaning “the iron of death”. The band behind the reference from Tolkien’s “Silmarillion” is from Poland and this is their seventh album. The intro or prologue as it’s called is sinister and doomy. Things fly in… Continue Reading →

Ars Magna Umbrae – Throne Between Worlds (I, Voidhanger)

Back into the shadows we go with the work of K.M. the mysterious half Polish, half Greek denizen of the underworld. We have charted these seas before covering his debut EP and the following 2 albums. We are informed that… Continue Reading →

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