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Tag Poland

Ketha – Wendigo (Moans Music)

This “soundtrack to a dying world” comes from Polish experimental band Ketha. This is their fourth album release, accompanying a couple of EP’s, one of which is called “#!%16.7”. Imagine walking into a record shop and asking for that one…. Continue Reading →

Hellfuck – Diabolic Slaughter (Godz ov War)

This is Teutonic Thrash from Poland with a heavy slice of Kreator, Sodom and early Slayer influence. The imagery may have them pigeonholed into a more blackened sub-genre, however, musically they are much more proficient, being seasoned musicians from many… Continue Reading →

Mord ‘A’ Stigmata – Like Ants and Snakes (Pagan Records)

If you like a diet of blackened metal, Mord A Stigmata will do nicely. They’ve been doing it for a while too, going back to the mid 00s, since when this Polish band has released six full albums including the… Continue Reading →

Embarla Firgasto – Temporal Capsule (S/R)

By way of preparation for this album, I listen to this Polish artist’s earlier EP “Inter Spem et Metum”. Utterly dark, violent in parts and straight out of the playbook of dirty blackened death, it is impressive. For “Temporal Capsule”… Continue Reading →

Behemoth – Opvs Contra Natvram (Nuclear Blast)

If, like me, you have been around for some time within the extreme metal scene then you will be very familiar with the Behemoth discography. In fact I’d even say they have been very consistent since Nergal formed the band… Continue Reading →

Death Denied – Through Waters, Through Flames – Sarcophagus Records

Firstly, apologies to those of the band and their support mechanism who may read this for the tardiness in the review; sometimes real life and work intervenes hard and pushes those things that make life worth living into the background…. Continue Reading →

Sphere – Blood Era (Deformeathing Production)

Blood Era opens with ‘The Age Of Contempt’ which builds with an atmospheric grand musical score before the band kicks in with some brutal and technical uncompromising death metal. Blood Era is overall constructed of nine absolutely devastating and crushing… Continue Reading →

Blues for Neighbors – From Roaming About (Road Rat Records)

“Two guys from Poland making music together since forever. There were many bands and even more music genres, now they sit in a kitchen, smoke cigarettes and worship old ghosts with cursed folk blues notes.” The band description for Polish… Continue Reading →

Temple Of Decay – Rigor Mortis (Godz Ov War)

Virtually anything on the Godz Ov War roster is worth checking out especially if you like utter extremity and brutality. Information is rather scant on this Polish band having only dredged up that it is a solo project by a… Continue Reading →

Angerpath – Forgotten World (Deformeathing)

Tempted to say that Forgotten World is an apt title here as this album is actually from 2007 and was remastered last year and the band is defunct. Now the question this always brings to my mind is…why re-release it?… Continue Reading →

Misanthropic Rage – Hallucinatory Phenomena (Godz ov War)

This band has been on my radar for quite some time. From Poland, avant-garde black metal is an apt description as each of their previous three albums have been differing and accordingly intriguingly epic balls of dark atmosphere. The opening… Continue Reading →

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