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Tag Poland

Abominated -Traumatic Putrefaction (Godz ov War)

From the Godz ov War extreme metal factory come Abominated. This death metal band formed five years ago in Poland. Their stated intention was that of “digging out the rotten sounds the Swedish were providing in the early 90s”. I… Continue Reading →

Hegerøth – Disintegration (S/R)

If you want to be firmly put in your place, then you can do worse than to listen to a Hegerøth album. “Disintegrate” is the band’s fifth album. Thematically it’s about the mindlessness of society where only one kind of… Continue Reading →

Dopelord – Songs for Satan (Blues Funeral Recordings)

It’s very Electric Wizard, I could end the review here to be fair! This is the third album from Polish doom monoliths and whilst I say that at the start, there are some individual character that make this a balls… Continue Reading →

Furia – Huta Luna (Pagan Records)

Those furious Nekrofolk from Poland’s ‘Let The World Burn Collective’ are back and who knows what the hell to expect after the experimentally deranged approach of last EP ‘W śnialni’ a couple of years ago? Well it’s barking mad and… Continue Reading →

Hell’s Coronation – Transgression Of A Necromantical Darkness (Godz Ov War)

Not all religions and beliefs portray hell as a fiery furnace, indeed some traditions describe it as a frozen bleak wasteland. That’s certainly the impression this Polish duo musically convey and entering into their brand of darkness will ensure that… Continue Reading →

Ifryt – Pluca (Godz Ov War)

A conundrum in three parts. When something is described as “Avant-Garde” alarm bells ring.  Are there going to be nose flutes and field recordings? Ancient Sumerian death rites mixed with Russian Drum and Bass. Ah who am I kidding I… Continue Reading →

Soulcarrion – Soulcarrion (Godz Ov War)

It has taken just over a year for the second release to emerge from this Polish band but instead of an album we have a four track EP that contains three new songs and one tune from the album ‘Infernal… Continue Reading →

Profeci – Ubóstwo (Godz ov War)

I recently finished reading the autobiography of Behemoth’s Nergal, and one of many things which struck me about it was his Polish matter-of-factness. This didn’t surprise me at all. I mention this because it’s the same with productions from the… Continue Reading →

Wilczyca – Magija (Godz Ov War)

We are back in the world of the wyrd wolves from Warsaw and our duo of Louve and Nidhogg show no signs of slowing down. This is their fourth release since 2020 and like its predecessors is no less non-conformist… Continue Reading →

Paranoia Inducta – Demon’s Factory (Heerwegen Tod Production)

I do like getting odd things in the post with no accompanying explanation about them and at first I thought I had been sent a film here as it is presented in a DVD style case. On further exploration I… Continue Reading →

Dione – Cosmosphere (Black Aura Audio)

Four pieces of black metal about the cosmos sum up this short work. The artist and sound engineer behind Dione is Krystian Lukaszewicz, who as the founder of Black Aura Audio offers “sound, chaos and music production”. Fire and fury… Continue Reading →

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