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Tag Poland

Misanthropic Rage – Towards the Greyscale Aphorism (Godz ov War)

After two firecracker albums in “Gates No Longer Shut” (2016) and “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” (2018), Polish black metal band Misanthropic Rage makes a welcome return with this one. Both of the previous albums were atmospheric and sophisticated, differing from… Continue Reading →

Trup – Szmula (Godz Ov War)

I think Trup may translate to Corpse but anything else about this strange Polish trio is quite honestly not particularly up for interpretation in any sense of the word. V, P & B the mentalists behind this outfit come across… Continue Reading →

MRome – Leech Ghetto (S/R)

As I discovered on covering last unwieldly entitled album ‘Noetic Collision on the Roof of Hell’ Polish band MRome don’t exactly play by the rules. Truly independent they state that they “are not interested in promoting band members by lame… Continue Reading →

Mgla – Zagreb Mochvara 6/9/19

With some honourable exceptions, black metal bands seem to be avoiding South-Eastern Europe. For no reason really, as the sold out Mgla show in Zagreb proves. There are clubs and individuals that are perfectly able to organize and promote the… Continue Reading →

Devilish Impressions – Postmortem Whispering Crows (Non Serviam)

This three-track EP came with a mountain of accompanying information which I dutifully read. It seems like insecurity to me, and I don’t know why because Devilish Impressions have been upping their game since 2000, evolving their style of symphonic… Continue Reading →

Gurthang – Ascension (Immortal Frost)

Starting off as a one-man project playing blackened funeral doom Polish act Gurthang have come a long way since their inception back in 2010. 6 Albums on and now playing as a quintet, apparently they threw off the shackles of… Continue Reading →

Skøv – Skøv (S/R)

Let me tell you what I know about this band. Skøv are a black punk metal band from Poland, and formed in 2017. I was told beforehand that they sound like the Norwegian band Kverletak. Add rock n roll to… Continue Reading →

By The Spirits – Visions (Eisenwald)

By The Spirits is a relatively new one man project hailing from the Lower Silesian region in the southeast of Poland founded in 2016 by Michal Krawczuk. Visions, the album at hand, is the solo artist’s first long player, though… Continue Reading →

Batushka – Hospodi (Metal Blade)

It’s the black metal spat that has divided the metal fraternity. Well, not really. Most people already seem to have decided – fairly or unfairly – which side of the fence they are on in the ‘Trve’ versus ‘Fake’ Batushka… Continue Reading →

Hate – Auric Gates of Veles (Metal Blade Records)

The music of Hate is the epitome of Polish death metal. Discuss. Having been around for 28 years, the warmongering isn’t over yet. “Auric Gates of Veles” is the band’s eleventh album. I think it’s the sustained contempt which is… Continue Reading →

Monasterium – Church of Bones (Nine Records)

Unlocking the door to doom ain’t always easy. Even when the tools at your disposal add up to a veritable battering ram that should unleash the melancholy tide from within upon your psyche with elephantine riffs that crush what’s left… Continue Reading →

Vader – Thy Messenger (Nuclear Blast)

It has been 18 years since I bought a Vader album and nearly as long since I have seen them live. The first thing that’s clearly apparent as I listen to this five track EP, they have lost none of… Continue Reading →

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