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Tag Peaceville

Hellripper – Affair Of The Poisons (Peaceville)

You could throw a bowling ball into a forest and get a complete strike as it hurtles through the trees knocking one-man black metal outfits over like ten pins. What about those who play thrash though and go it alone?… Continue Reading →

Morta Skuld – Suffer For Nothing (Peaceville)

There are some bands who I view as too trve for your average festival line up and Morta Skuld are one of them. They’re the sort of artist you’d find on a Maryland Deathfest or OEF line up and those… Continue Reading →

Katatonia – City Burials (Peaceville)

After a short hiatus these erstwhile Swedes have returned to the fray, though I daresay nobody noticed they were actually gone. Personally, I lost track of them in the early-noughties around the time of “Viva Emptiness”. It was around this… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – Old Star (Peaceville)

Yep I know this is in the shops (what few remain) already but we are not exactly late to the party. The old stars behind the album should need no introduction Gylve and Ted aka Fenriz and Nocturno Culto have… Continue Reading →

Mork – Det Svarte Juv (Peaceville)

As I remarked on their previous album Thomas Eriksen’s Mork are one of those bands that manage the impossible of being both very old school Norwegian black metal, but also very much of this time and space and forward looking…. Continue Reading →

Albums Of The Year 2014

  Pete Woods What a year as far as music was concerned, even if everything else is pretty much shit it is the tonic that keeps us going through it all and there has been no shortage of choice. It… Continue Reading →

Interview – Autopsy

In the mid-nineties, when death metal was as popular as Cradle Of Filth is now, I discovered an album. Not just any album, but a second-hand copy of Autopsy’s ‘Mental Funeral’. On my descent into the obscure world of death… Continue Reading →

Gehenna – Murder (Peaceville)

The latest Peaceville re-release marks the completion of Gehenna’s Moonfog trilogy. Naturally these were all reissued in entirely the wrong order, so 2nd Moonfog album ‘Murder’ is the final one to get the Peaceville treatment. After splitting their fanbase by… Continue Reading →

Dodheimsgard – Supervillain Outcast (Peaceville)

The thing that really bugs me about this reissue is that it is Dodheimsgard’s last album, originally out in 2007 and they have not done anything new since it came out. I have no problems with it being put out… Continue Reading →

Autopsy – All Tomorrow’s Funerals (Peaceville)

Another awesome digi-pack release from everyone’s favourite masters of madness and gore?! Killer! So what do we have here… three tracks of new material, along with all the sold-out EPs (including the recent Tomb Within) re-mastered by the band? Interesting…… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – Sempiternal Past – The Darkthrone Demos (Peaceville)

This 17 track re-mastered work is a re-release of early Darkthrone demos “Land of Frost” (1988), “A New Dimension” (1989), Thulcandra (1989) and Cromlech (1989), together with a couple of Norwegian TV live recordings and a 1999 track “God of… Continue Reading →

Katatonia – For Funerals To Come (Peaceville)

Has the unimaginable happened, have Peaceville run out of albums to re-release? Joking aside it is good news all round if they have (which we very much doubt) as this has meant that they have gone and unearthed some real… Continue Reading →

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