Make no mistake, Autumnal angst and anguish are definitely setting in. Looking at what is left on the review list in front of me, there is one constant and it sure ain’t happiness. So I first turn to Rome a… Continue Reading →
If you have immersed yourself in the numerous genepools of metal genres over a long period of time, one thing that tends to enter the mind of an audiophile is sorting certain bands or genres into the right time of… Continue Reading →
‘Hollow’ (2020) was an impressive debut album for Israeli band Tomorrow’s Rain who had previously been around as Moonskin. Within the realms of atmospheric doom, they had strong song-craft but got quite a bit of attention due to a large… Continue Reading →
I was eagerly anticipating this concert, not only because it marked the 20th anniversary of “Icon,” but mostly because I would finally see Paradise Lost after years of listening to them. I’ve seen Nick Holmes before as the frontman of… Continue Reading →
With a band name and an album title such as the above this was never gonna be light and fluffy or fast and spiky. The fact that I have drank too much coffee this morning certainly puts me at odds with this dirty… Continue Reading →
If you read my review of the Dead And Dripping album recently then you’ve come to the right place for more gutturally effective death metal as this act also hails from the USA. As a three piece all the band… Continue Reading →
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