I cannot wander far from the idea that this album sounds a lot like Opeth, especially “Blackwater Park” and “My Arms, Your Hearse”, so I’ll say that now. This six track, 69 minute, progressive death metal work is the Russian… Continue Reading →
For those of a djenty disposition, here’s Benea Reach from Norway. This collection of ten wide-reaching and substantial chunks makes up their third album release. Let me say now that Benea Reach not a version of Uneven Structure or Vildjharta…. Continue Reading →
As a quick glance at the band name and record label should tell you, this is gloomy doom-death from Eastern Europe, in this case the Czech Republic. ‘On the Shores of Oblivion’ is the band’s first full length, and it… Continue Reading →
The Fall Of Every Season comprises of a single person, Marius Strand who takes care of vocals, instruments and programming. ‘Amends’ is his second album and like with many one man bands there’s the possibility that this is either hit… Continue Reading →
This one man doom death project from Germany run by the creative but monstrously deformed brain of Pierre Laube is a slow terrifying assault on your senses that begins with “Downward” and some truly guttural vocals that fit the music… Continue Reading →
Having changed their name from the cumbersome ‘New Keepers’ to the far more palatable and memorable ‘New Keepers Of The Water Towers’ back in 2009, NKOTWT have been slowly but surely carving themselves a reputation in stoner/doom circles. The Swedes… Continue Reading →
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