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Tag Nightbringer

Acherontas – Amarta (Formulas of Reptilian Unification Part II) (World Terror Committee)

Penetrating the increasingly esoteric world of Acherontas V Priest and his various collaborators is becoming a bit of an adventure – albeit one that is bleak and unforgiving. The outfit undoubtedly made its initial impact with some impressive occult-driven black… Continue Reading →

Dødsengel – Interequinox (Debemur Morti)

Band name, album title, record label, it’s kind of like we are writing in some sort of arcane and long forgotten language. But it’s our language and those versed in Norwegian Black Metal and very good French record labels are… Continue Reading →

Nightbringer – Terra Damnata (Season of Mist)

It’s time to get out your black, burning candelabras and best laying chickens ready to be slaughtered because ’tis the season of occult black metal and Nightbringer is back. With our very own Martin Harris quite rightly lauding the excellent… Continue Reading →

Crimson Moon – Oneironaut (World Terror Committee)

Crimson Moon’s main man Scorpios Androctonus comes with impressive pedigree from associations with bands such as Melechesh, Demoncy and Ancient, where he’s recently picked up bass guitar duties, and, the most appropriate and illustrative link, to Acherontas. Not only did… Continue Reading →

Nox Formulae – The Hidden Paths To Black Ecstasy (Dark Descent)

Nox Formulae are a new one on me but apparently they’ve taken some time out of their busy schedule (trying to free the dark one from behind the thin veil of human reality) to release an album. It doesn’t take… Continue Reading →

Ill Omen – Ae Thy Rift (Nuclear War Now)

The brand of occult black metal that Ill Omen excels at exists somewhere in the realms between Deathspell Omega dissonance, funeral doom and pure ritualistic noise. It’s the kind of album that’s probably going to click right into your listening… Continue Reading →

Titaan – Kadingir (ATMF)

Titaan’s ambitious debut is one of those releases that leaves me wondering what on earth else there is lurking between the cracks in the extreme music scene. On the one hand, it’s always an impressive risk when a band reaches… Continue Reading →

Shrine of Insanabilis – Disciples of the Void (World Terror Committee)

Seemingly out of nowhere, this mysterious German act (they don’t even have a Metal Archives page! Gasp!) have unleashed their debut album, carrying with it as it does a real sense of pedigree. The David Glomba artwork is arresting and… Continue Reading →

Akhlys – The Dreaming I (Debemur Morti)

As much as Nightbringer’s career-defining Ego Dominus Tuus impressed me in my capacity as a good-for-nothing, chin-stroking writer, I never quite bonded with it in the way I’d initially expected. True, it’s often the case that reality fails to match… Continue Reading →

Acherontas – Ma IoN (Formulas of Reptilian Unification) (WTC)

If the last Acherontas album was ambitious in its scope, then this is on another level altogether. Amenti saw Acherontas spreading their leathery wings in ever more promising directions with some solid occult-laden black metal bathed in a backdrop of… Continue Reading →

Nightbringer – Ego Dominus Tuus (Season of Mist)

Nightbringer have produced an explosive piece of work here that is nothing short of electrifying at times. Gigantic riffs battling criss-crossing tremolo guitars, half a dozen different vocal styles and around 70 minutes of epic, occult-inspired black metal. On many… Continue Reading →

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