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Tag Nidingr

Dold Vorde Ens Navn – Mørkere (Prophecy)

Seems like there are rumblings in the Dodheimsgard camp suggesting new material is recorded and on the way soon. As for members of the group it’s not like they have not been busy as it is. For a start we… Continue Reading →

Bergeton – Miami Murder (MeusRecords / Darkhan Music)

One always wonders what bands do for entertainment on those endless tour bus journeys from one city to another and Morten Bergeton Iversen has no doubt clocked up many a mile. Who you ask? Well you probably know him better… Continue Reading →

Dold Vorde Ens Navn – Gjengangere I Hjertets Mørke (SoulSeller Records)

Given the legacy, it is not surprising that Norway continues to spawn seemingly endless black metal bands but after 30 years or so, it is increasingly difficult to find anything that sounds fresh within the genre, with many content to… Continue Reading →

The Konsortium – Rogaland (Agonia Records)

This Norwegian band is notable for having Dirge Rep (drums), who has played in numerous bands and Teloch (Mayhem, Nidingr) in its ranks and released a self-titled debut in 2011 which I have not heard but it appears that the… Continue Reading →

Horizon Ablaze – The Weight of a Thousand Suns (Leviatan Diger)

Avant-garde extreme metal albums seem to be following me around so far this year, and here’s another one from Norway’s Horizon Ablaze. “The Weight of a Thousand Suns” is a “journey through the human psyche and a deep dive into… Continue Reading →

Nidingr – The High Heat Licks Against Heaven (Indie)

This Norwegian group have always been about keeping things authentic and although they have been quiet since 2012 release ‘Greatest Of Deceivers’ it would appear they have been studying studiously in preparation for its follow up. Reading between the lines… Continue Reading →

Myrkur – M (Relapse)

Last year’s debut self-titled EP by Myrkur came practically out of nowhere causing quite large debate about the origins of the songstress behind it, the fact that it had been released by Relapse certainly fuelled the fire and cries about… Continue Reading →

Mayhem – Esoteric Warfare (Season of Mist)

7 long years have passed since Mayhem’s last full length sweep of decrepit blackened murk ‘Ordo ad Chao’ hit our speakers, covering listeners in a filthy napalm-like phlegm which ate deeply into the beings of those who were willing to… Continue Reading →

Den Saakaldte – Faen I Helvete (Agonia)

It was five long years ago since we last had the chance to hail pessimism from this black metal clan and boy was it good! Getting the chance to see them play at Party San Open Air was a real… Continue Reading →

Revelation’s Hammer – ST (My Kingdom)

Revelation’s Hammer are a black metal band from Norway. New on the scene but not unconnected with a member from Nidingr and a guest musician from Troll, this album suggests they have taken on a more modern path in the… Continue Reading →

Flagellant – Maledictum (World Terror Committee Productions)

Swedes Flagellant rose from the depths of deepest, darkest Umeå in 2007, quickly releasing a demo, then taking 3 years to put together their debut full length release ‘Monuments’ in 2010. There really isn’t a massive amount of information on… Continue Reading →

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