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Tag Munruthel

Druadan Forest – The Lost Dimension (Wolfspell)

Have you been waiting patiently for the last 5 years for a new Summoning album? Well not long to go until Silenius and Protector deliver new opus ‘With Doom We Come.’ If you are really hungering for an immediate trip… Continue Reading →

Ande – Licht (S/R)

Ande is actually a chap called Jim from Belgium. He used to be in a garage rock band called Whocares but obviously not enough people did as it appears they played their last gig at the end of 2014. After… Continue Reading →

Zgard – Totem (Svarga)

Zgard, with its resolutely Carpathian take on black metal, has always had obvious potential and has been quietly, in the background, constructing its legacy over the past three or four years. Totem again features former Nokturnal Mortum drummer Munruthel on… Continue Reading →

Stryvigor – Forgotten By Ages (Svarga)

I think some of us take black metal from Ukraine a bit for granted. Sure it is an underground thing but many of us into the music look to the region for releases of a consistent high quality at least… Continue Reading →

Quintessence Mystica – Duality (Schwarzdorn)

Three years after The 5th Harmonic Of Death debut album from this Ukrainian duo it’s a welcome return for them with follow up Duality. Multi-instrumentalist Master Alafern is also a member of Thunderkraft and played live in Dub Bak as… Continue Reading →

I Shalt Become – Louisiana Voodoo (Saadi Saati)

I absolutely loved drinking in the rich atmospheric grimness of ‘Poison’ the last 2010 released album from Illinois based black metal entity S Holliman. It conveyed a huge depth of expression with a classical backbone swirling around eldritch black metal… Continue Reading →

Munruthel – Yav, Nav i Prav (Gardarika)

This is one very welcome reissue as far as I am concerned as it is the only album from Ukrainian one man act Munruthel that has so far escaped me. The first album I heard was the successor to this… Continue Reading →

VA – Voices From Valhalla: A Tribute To Bathory (Godreah)

I always look forward to getting things from cottage industry label Godreah. They do things the old way, putting out quality instead of quantity in the form of both eclectic bands and compilation discs. Like their Hawkwind tribute, the title… Continue Reading →

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