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Tag Moonspell

Ecnephias – Seven: The Pact Of Debauchery (My Kingdom Music)

The aptly titled album is the seventh by the Italian trio, and the third I’ve been privileged to review. As is their want their lyrics are both in English and Italian, with the latter songs seeming far broodier and melancholy… Continue Reading →

Blaze Of Perdition – The Harrowing Of Hearts (Metal Blade)

This posed a question, is it better to hear new material on album first or live? Having caught Polish act Blaze Of Perdition a couple of months ago and noted that their song-craft would probably make more sense if allowed… Continue Reading →

Ironsword – Servants Of Steel (Alma Mater)

I have a real soft spot for Portugal’s Ironsword. Five albums in twenty five years shows main man Tann (guitars, vocals) has dogged determination to play the true way regardless of fashion, and including this I own four of them…. Continue Reading →

Moonspell, Rotting Christ, Silver Dust – London Islington Assembly Hall 29/9/19

It was expected that this was just a two-band tour with Moonspell and Rotting Christ co-headlining but just before the show I discovered there was an unknown quantity or an extra item in the baggage area. This turned out to… Continue Reading →

Necronomicon – Unus (Season Of Mist)

As a total Death Metal devotee I get very excited about even the smallest of artists releasing new material. What I mean to say is I’m normally that guy who gets excited about new albums from bands like Necrophiliac or… Continue Reading →

Okkultist – Reinventing Evil (Alma Mater Records)

So, you are a hard-working musician with a long career releasing records for your own band and some side projects. What else can you do with your time, write some books, produce some wine after all you are Portuguese? Well… Continue Reading →

Non Serviam The Official Story Of Rotting Christ – Sakis Tolis & Dayal Patterson (Cult Never Dies)

If you are on this site and playing a word association game “Greece” will no doubt be swiftly followed by thoughts of Rotting Christ as much as package holidays. Without doubt, with over three decades of history behind the much… Continue Reading →

Azziard – Metempsychose (Malpermesita Records)

Pulling this CD out of its wrapping I remembered the band name and that this deathly black troop from France had struck me as slightly bonkers on last album ‘Vesanie’ in 2014. At the time they had been in the… Continue Reading →

Volker – S/T EP (Kaotoxin)

Not much to go on here, just a CD with no details at all and under 12 minutes of music. Luckily the label had told us what they had sent over in a list and we were able to fill… Continue Reading →

Panychida – Haereticalia: The Night Battles (Cursed Records)

Welcome to the latest “memorial service” from Czech Republic brigands Panychida. I remember their last campaign well, 2013 release ‘Grief Of An Idol’ proved to be an enthralling journey of pagan metal complete with themes of ancient death rituals and… Continue Reading →

The Foreshadowing – Seven Heads Ten Horns (Cyclone Empire)

“Melancholic Gothic Doom Metal”. Never a description to warm the old cockles is it? In itself it’s a genre that can contain many variables…OK, it’s a fair guess it will be sparse on the optimistic/joyous/fun/hopeful side of things (sounds like… Continue Reading →

Doom Over London Part 2 – London Dome 26/3/16

Today things get really busy. Within ten minutes of doors opening a band is on at the Boston Arms Music room, the second they finish another starts upstairs at The Dome. This is the case all day with 4 groups… Continue Reading →

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