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Tag Metallica

Pentagram Chile – The Malefice (Cyclone Empire)

For a band that has been around for nearly three decades they sure have taken a long time to get their true full length debut despite more than a handful of demos and what not. My first experience with the… Continue Reading →

Broozer – ‘12.04.12’ (Grindhead)

Broozer is a self-described ‘tough technical modern sludge’ act from Melbourne. Formed back in 2010, it seems that they have spent the last three years practising and perfecting the seven songs that would make up this, their debut release. What… Continue Reading →

Ecocide – The Eye of Wicked Sight (SR)

Every now and then a release arrives in my hands that is such a perfectly distilled slug of heavy metal it provokes a physical reaction. Heart beat quickening, sweaty palms, stupid grin on face… The overwhelming urge to get up,… Continue Reading →

Eviscerated Panda ‘Back In Bamboo’ – Sarah Tipper

There are many who like a bit of heavy metal in their lives and then there are those who have it defining their very existence. People at that end of the spectrum are completely obsessive over it and it goes… Continue Reading →

Witches Mark – Witching Metal Ritual (Heaven And Hell)

In days gone by I would have bought this Witches Mark on the strength of the diabolically cheesy album art that adorns it. You’ll see what I mean when you see it. That aside I was expecting an album of… Continue Reading →

Driller – All Shall Burn (SR)

Hooooo-kaaaaaay. Polish band called Driller, sporting one of the worst covers I’ve seen in an absolute age and with song titles (that aren’t covers) of the likes of ‘Pleasure To Kill’, ‘Judgement Day’, ‘Madness Inc.’ and ‘Zombie Invaders’. Can you… Continue Reading →

Devariem – Planet Earth Ground Zero (Remedy Records)

Righto, cards on the table; like many reviewers, I was in a band that didn’t make it.  What can I say?  I was a stoned student, played rhythm guitar in a thrash and punk cover band and didn’t expect to… Continue Reading →

Flotsam and Jetsam – Ugly Noise (Metal Blade)

I do rather admire Flotsam and Jetsam for sticking with it. They’re not one of the “Thrash is popular again – let’s reform” type bands, they’ve kept plugging away since that debut in 1986. Best known for giving Metallica a… Continue Reading →

Sacred Mother Tongue – Out Of The Darkness (Transcend/EMI)

One of the few bands toiling away incessantly whilst flying the flag for British Metal around the globe are Northampton’s Sacred Mother Tongue. Out of The Darkness builds nicely from the groundwork done on their debut full-length The Ruin Of… Continue Reading →

Russkaja – Energia (Napalm)

Russkaja, the Russian polka, trash metal, world jazz and Zappa-rockers (as said on their info pack) were founded by singer Georgij who was originally vocalist for Nuclear blast signed trash band ‘Stahlhammer’. The band have played such greats as Wacken… Continue Reading →

WolveSpirit – Dreamcatcher (Spirit Stone Records)

WolveSpirit lure you in with the promise of ‘bone grinding rock’ and psychedelic, brighter than the sun album artwork. From the way this record is packaged it’s easy to be fooled into thinking you’re going to get some chunky, fuzz… Continue Reading →

Coldsteel – America Idle (Stormspell Records)

Re-activated after years away from the scene, a trait common with Stormspell bands (which is great news!), these thrashers have this EP ready to whet your appetite. One of the first things you may come to realise with this is… Continue Reading →

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