This sounded fascinating on paper and appeared to be an album that would transport me away from the living room to a different place and time entirely. That is just what was needed over an extended bank holiday when the… Continue Reading →
With each release, of which there are now numerous, it seems that this “dagger” has the German collective unsheathing and showing a bit more of themselves. We are still not on 1st name terms yet but the players are coming… Continue Reading →
Bit of a Tricky one this, in more ways than one. Firstly, we are told that “It is a record for the single individual in a contemplative state,” no problems with that as the way things are many of us… Continue Reading →
I will admit that, despite the logo appearing familiar to me, Belgium’s Emptiness have not entered my auricular notice before. As such the dreamy, dark, post punk meets trip hop compositions of Vide do not surprise me so much as they would fans of the bands earlier Black and Death metal oeuvre …. Continue Reading →
Dylan Neal’s other band, Botanist, might not be to everyone’s taste (hammered dulcimer black metal anyone?) but it certainly makes a change from listening to a very long line of black-metal-o-likes queuing up to deliver their take on something that… Continue Reading →
There’s some solid stuff coming out on label Aesthetic Death whether it’s the sludgy, blackened doom of Ketch or the equally highly recommended quirky black metal of Lashblood. Indeed, it’s a label that’s becoming known for its appreciation of the… Continue Reading →
Deth Rok, from Ministry collaborator Aaron Havill, falls into a broad category of music that I would describe as come-down music. Or, more accurately, music that you should avoid – at all costs – listening to when on an actual… Continue Reading →
Having grown up with – and generally having a soft spot for -Finnish rock/pop music (before AC/DC and Sabbath ripped my universe apart) this progressive occultish/poppy ensemble called Uhrijuhla (ludicrous official translation of The Wicker Man – actual meaning being… Continue Reading →
This would be the perfect soundtrack to the lazy afternoon’s of a long hot summer. Well it may have just missed the boat but then again it feels like we have missed summer anyway but there could be an Indian… Continue Reading →
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