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Tag Marduk

Funeral Mist – Deiform (NoEvDia)

This arrived like a hammer-bolt from the blue, tail end of the year, no fucks given about getting on any of those pesky album of year lists and at a time when nobody except kvlt labels and black metal edge-lords… Continue Reading →

Doodswens – Lichtvrees (Svart)

It looks like the black metal seed has fallen on particularly fertile ground in and around the Netherlands. New sprouts keep appearing alongside established plants. And some of the new sprouts are growing nicely and bearing fruit, developing their own,… Continue Reading →

Thronum Vrondur – Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (Immortal Frost Productions)

Welcome to a day as dark as night but it is Belgian’s not Roman’s we are lending our ears to. With four albums to their name since 2005 this West Flanders trio were last referred to by us as “imperious… Continue Reading →

Witchfuck – Black Blood Baptism (Godz Ov War)

This delightfully named collective from Poland have their debut album upon us, following a trio of split releases and a debut EP. I must admit, I’ve been looking out for this one to be released. Yes, it is disgusting rock… Continue Reading →

Ondskapt – Grimoire Ordo Devus (Osmose Productions)

If the prelude to Ondskapts latest creation is not enough to create a demonic scene then have no idea what is. The prelude features all manner of haunting and terrorising soundscapes, ranging from chains and crashes resonating to chants from… Continue Reading →

Streams of Blood – Erløsung (The Hidden Art)

The first thing I learnt about this, the fourth album by German black metallers Streams of Blood, was that all the hard copies of the CD had been stolen. I can relate entirely to the frustration of that after a… Continue Reading →

Putrid – Antichrist Above (Godz Ov War Productions)

I was surprised that there are only a few bands called Putrid on my investigations, however there are loads of bands suffixed with the word putrid; putrid this and putrid that etc. This version of Putrid hails from the deepest… Continue Reading →

Azziard – Liber Secondus – Exégèse (Malpermesita Rercords)

Since last album in 2017 ‘Liber Primus: Métempsychose’ I was lucky enough to catch French band Azziard live as support for Marduk. This proved to be a formidable performance and one that followed well in the live environment by what… Continue Reading →

Naglfar – Cerecloth (Century Media)

Classic Swedish melodic black metal here from a band who should really need no introduction. Naglfar burst into being with debut album Vittra in 1995. Around this time, I and no doubt many others were discovering the likes of fellow… Continue Reading →

Grave Circles – Tome II (Ladlo)

Original released independently on Bandcamp back in December, this debut full-length following the “Tome I” EP from 2017 has been picked up by for rerelease in physical formats. Ukraine has been notorious of late for a slew of Drudkh clones… Continue Reading →

Winter Deluge – Degradation Renewal (Osmose Productions)

With two albums, an EP and demo already out this New Zealand act has been picked by Osmose for this EP of incendiary blackened malice that begins with ‘Mass Graves’. Capturing the essence of old school blackness the guitar sound… Continue Reading →

Veneration – Thy Infernal (Fallen Temple)

Here is a five track blast of venom from Veneration. from Indonesia. The packaging that comes with this EP from the Indonesian band goes overboard on its black metal credentials. The track titles remind us that everything is infernal, there… Continue Reading →

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