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Tag Manegarm

Fredlös – Fredlös (Threeman)

Doing a search on members of this Dark Nordic folk sextet along with the fact that no real info is provided about them largely drew a blank. However, the name Alex Hellid was an obvious one being founding member of… Continue Reading →

Thyrfing – Vanagandr (Despotz Records)

Anyone that dismisses Viking metal as risible has obviously never heard Thyrfing. Heavy as granite and as animated as an English monastery the day the dragon ships arrive on the nearby shore, these Swedes combine some very recognisable pagan metal… Continue Reading →

Wormwood – Arkivet (Black Lodge Records)

Many bands evolve through their existence and Wormwood are no different. They formed in Sweden in 2014 under the guise of black and roll, they have then tipped their caps to a melodic black metal style before finally settling on… Continue Reading →

Wormwood – Nattarvet (Black Lodge)

Now OK, I’m not the usual go-to-guy for Black Metal bands on Ave Noctum. I think many of my fellow writers would possibly go so far as to state that I’m not really even on the list of go-to-guys-and-gals…and admittedly,… Continue Reading →

Wormwood – Ghostlands: Wounds From A Bleeding Earth (Non Serviam)

Revelations gets all apocalyptic with Wormwood in the bible, it’s a catastrophic star heralding plagues. It may also remind you of similar calamitous times spent in the aftermath of absinthe binges and the next morning feeling like you have indeed… Continue Reading →

Warhorns Festival – The Venue Selby 16-17/9/16 Day 2

Day 2 Day two of Warhorns dawned and my merry little band were still trying to figure out what the hell Whispered had been all about, but arrived with a pleasant number of others in time to catch first band… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metalfestival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 18-20/8/16

Day Three The music was scheduled to begin at 14:00 on day 3, so I took the opportunity to have a look at some of the Viking artifacts in the Midgard Center, and to have a walk around Borrepark amongst… Continue Reading →

Interview – Warhorns Festival

The small but perfectly formed Warhorns festival has become a bit of a highlight over the last few years. Nestled deep in Viking country in Selby, North Yorkshire, a short stone’s throw from historic York/Jorvik, it has a warmth and… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival – Day 4 – Oslo, Norway 26/3/16

Saturday 26th March 2016 Awaking on Saturday morning I was feeling distinctly unwell not completely down to my alcohol intake but it certainly contributed to it. With another day of extremity to behold later I decided that wandering about today… Continue Reading →

Moonsorrow – Jumalten Aika (Century Media)

Let me start by being completely upfront. This is Moonsorrow’s best album for more than a decade. Perhaps even one of their best yet. It’s a melting pot of all that has gone before and if you’re not hooked in… Continue Reading →

Himinbjorg – Wyrd (Osmose)

After various encounters with Himinbjorg in the past, most of them fleeting, the arrival of Wyrd was a good opportunity for me to get deep down into the French pagan black metal undergrowth, slap on the woad and ready my… Continue Reading →

Manegarm – S/T (Napalm)

I’m not quite sure why eight albums into their career a band would simply self-title their album. It strikes as a statement that they are completely re-inventing themselves or are just plain lazy really and there’s no real hint of… Continue Reading →

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