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Tag Macabre Omen

Tome Of The Unreplenished – Earthbound (Avantgarde Music)

Looks like I am the fourth of our writers to tackle this group and the other three releases were met with varying results on their hard to categorise and ambient driven blackness. This gives the impression that the unwieldly named… Continue Reading →

Acherontas – Psychic Death – The Shattering Of Perceptions (Agonia)

Stalwarts of mysticism and Hellenic blackness Acherontas should really need no introduction to the initiated. Led with unswerving passion by V Priest since formation in 2007 they have a plethora of releases to their name and ‘Psychic Death’ sees them… Continue Reading →

Runespell / Forest Mysticism – Wandering Forlorn (Iron Bonehead)

Runespell and Forest Mysticism may conjure up a lot of different preconceptions about what’s coming down the speaker cables and out of the bass bins: mad dwarves digging for gold, elves dancing in woodland glades…. armies of darkness marching their… Continue Reading →

Kawir – Adrasteia (Iron Bonehead)

With roots back to 1993 Greek veterans Kawir have had a studious history that is as historical as the themes and traditions they musically embrace. Leading them through thick and thin Therthonax has had almost 30 players both on album… Continue Reading →

Frostmoon Eclipse – Worse Weather To Come (Immortal Frost)

I really don’t think that any genre across history has as interesting a story as that of Black Metal. Even stripping it back to the bare bones of a Satanic presence in music is an exciting past time. Indeed this… Continue Reading →

Allone – Alone (Aesthetic Death)

Can you ever be truly Alone when you have 2 l’s? Deep and complicated question to ponder but thankfully the music may well provide some answers and this is not a solo project but the work of a London based… Continue Reading →

Acherontas – Faustian Ethos (Agonia)

Acherontas still struggle to shake off a questionable legacy (not helped by calling your previous outfit after a concentration camp) but nonetheless have managed to position themselves at the centre of the occult black metal movement with an output that… Continue Reading →

Varathron – Patriarchs of Evil (Agonia)

Anyone who hasn’t been following events with the mighty Varathron – shame on you. For anyone that has welcome back to the unholy mass that can only be modern day Varathron in all its Hellenic black metal glory. These Greek… Continue Reading →

Lychgate – The Contagion In Nine Steps (Blood Music)

It is time to crawl through the Lychgate and enter a graveyard of ghoulish and macabre sounds once more. Be prepared for the weird, wonderful and downright ghastly sounds from a portal to another world to confront you in all… Continue Reading →

Acherontas – Amarta (Formulas of Reptilian Unification Part II) (World Terror Committee)

Penetrating the increasingly esoteric world of Acherontas V Priest and his various collaborators is becoming a bit of an adventure – albeit one that is bleak and unforgiving. The outfit undoubtedly made its initial impact with some impressive occult-driven black… Continue Reading →

Lychgate – An Antidote for the Glass Pill (Blood Music)

Now, who doesn’t appreciate a massive organ? Lychgate certainly do, as theirs takes centre stage for album number 2, ‘An Antidote for the Glass Pill’. While not wanting to sound dismissive and flippant, when a particular instrument plays such a… Continue Reading →

Interview – DiabolicuM

When it comes to Sweden’s industrial/black metal pioneers Diabolicum, and especially their rampaging latest disc ‘Ia Pazuzu’, utterly negative adjectives are all that can describe them. Given the opportunity to pick the brains of founding member Sasrof, it came as… Continue Reading →

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