“An Age of Penance and Oblivion” is a debut album from the depths of Derbyshire in the UK that has been fermenting and maturing since the 2017 inception of Doom Metal duo Pilgrim of Fire. This month sees the culmination… Continue Reading →
Their debut was an emerging doom statement, this follow up is “doom-laden Serpentine groove” as stated in the PR material. The immediate improvement from their debut is the vocal delivery of Jimi Lehtijoki, he reminds me very much of Christian… Continue Reading →
Righteo, cards on the table, this is the most difficult albums I’ve ever had to review. Previously, that title belonged to albums that were either by bands I really liked but who had managed to give birth to a musical… Continue Reading →
Finnish doom, you say? Oh, go on then! It is, of course, impossible to mention this branch of the slower, heavier, doomier genre without name-checking heavyweight outfit Reverend Bizarre, so we may as well go the whole hog and dive… Continue Reading →
Was it really the best part of four whole years ago that Goatess released their excellent eponymous first album? A quick look at the back of the CD sleeve assures me that this is the case. But could it be… Continue Reading →
It’s Easter Sunday and some thieving sod has gone and stolen an hour off us with the clocks going forward. Somehow people are here for the start of day 3 though and kicking it all off at 3PM are Landskap… Continue Reading →
Svart Records are really firing on all cylinders at the moment. This small, independent label is currently home to such underground stars as Brutus, In-Graved, Domovoyd, Tombstoned, and if you use the search function here with Svart as the criteria,… Continue Reading →
Those strange boffins are back dabbling in dimensions in time and space and following up on debut album Kometenbahn from last year. As far as the time is concerned they are manipulating frequencies from around the 70’s and 80’s when… Continue Reading →
With a cover reminiscent of something out of Hellboy, Goatess’ self-titled debut certainly stands out. Titled The Birth Of Pan it features what looks like an unborn faun in the womb; strangely beautiful and pretty hard to ignore. What lurks… Continue Reading →
Well even with a basic grasp of German you should know what an Autobahn is and with Kometbahn it’s not difficult to guess we are heading to space along with the comet’s path. Then there is the name of the… Continue Reading →
Desertfest – London 6-8 April 2012 (Or ‘An Old Person Survives Three Days In The Desert) Day One: Despite being hardly adverse to the odd monumental riff and Spirit Caravan style fuzzed out bliss I kind of lost touch with that… Continue Reading →
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