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Tag Lonndom

De Arma – Strayed In Shadows (Trollmusic)

The duo behind De Arma that is A Petterson and J Marklund are responsible for so many great bands between them and De Arma is not the only one they have collaborated on either. Armagedda, Bergraven, Saiva, Stilla, Sorgeldom, Whirling… Continue Reading →

Ehlder – Nordabetraktelse (Nordvis)

Whatever was written way back in 2002 is long since forgotten and indeed lost but I distinctly remember the impact behind Armagedda’s debut album of Swedish black metal that was ‘The Final War Approaching.’ It was a hefty album of… Continue Reading →

Stilla – Skuggflock (Nordvis / Bindrune)

Translating the album title as “Shadowpack” this is the third full length from this inventive Swedish avant-garde black metal act whose album cover conjures up notions of mysticism and chilly autumnal mornings where mist and dew blanket the air. Being… Continue Reading →

Vali – Skogslandskap (Prophecy)

Ulver’s 1996 album ‘Kveldsanger’ has a lot to answer for if you ask me. By the mid-nineties, the concept of black metal bands adding delicate acoustic interludes or introductions to their albums was nothing new, artists quickly cottoning onto the… Continue Reading →

Einsamtod – ST (EZ Produktionen)

First task is taking out the ancient grimoire of band logos here and looking up the arcane calligraphy to see what we have. Honestly, as far as the cover is concerned here you literally cannot see the woods for the… Continue Reading →

De Arma – Lost, Alien And Forlorn (Trollmusic)

A while back I reviewed the split that De Arma did with Fen and expressed a certain amount off cautious optimism with the minor worry that they might be veering a little close to the Fen sound. Well from the… Continue Reading →

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