Those who can make any money, let alone a living out of reviewing are few and far between. The majority of writers are folks like your humble scribe who happen to be fans and want to spread the word of… Continue Reading →
I’ll have to ‘fess up, that despite liking to intersperse my metal with a liberal helping of Prog, I’d never heard of Discipline until their new label The Laser’s Edge sent over ‘Captives of the Wine Dark Sea’ for review…. Continue Reading →
There’s so much good music in the world, gems hidden in a sea of the bland and the bilious, and too little time to go looking for it (“first world problem”, as I believe the youngsters like to say.), which… Continue Reading →
For those who want metal, metal, and nothing but metal, move along now; like the droids in Star Wars, these are not the songs you are looking for. Yes, I know some folks have tried to chisel in references to… Continue Reading →
Cards on the table here folks, my next landmark birthday is 50, and it is far too few years ago for comfort, and for the best part of four decades, ever since first finding Cream’s ‘Goodbye’ in my mother’s record… Continue Reading →
Those of us without a giddy disposition have possibly marvelled at a recent music video of Shining performing live at Trolltunga – The Devils Tongue which juts precariously off a mountain over a massive glaciated valley near Bergen Norway. It’s… Continue Reading →
Parisian doom devotees Northwinds proudly present this, their fifth full length studio album, complete with its typically beautiful album cover by Stefano Sugni. To briefly and dismissively label this band simply as `Doom’ however, does them a great injustice in… Continue Reading →
Chicago based progressive metal band District 97 have received critical acclaim for their work so far with members of/formerly of the likes of King Crimson, Asia, Transatlantic, Yes and Genesis all singing their praises along with Rolling Stone magazine throwing… Continue Reading →
Hailing from Linköping, Sweden, The Great Discord are a rather interesting bunch. Influenced by classic prog like King Crimson and more contemporary artists such as Meshuggah and Dream Theater, the Swedish five piece have an album which touches on a… Continue Reading →
Just a couple of days before typing up this review I was riding public transport through the expensive end of the capital’s retail district, the sort of area where high end shops cluster together to display their wares in a… Continue Reading →
As the title suggests this is the third EP in a series from Swedes Svarta Stugan following on from a self-titled debut and second release ‘A Mutation And A Madness.’ They describe it as being inspired by the likes of… Continue Reading →
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