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Tag Killing Joke

Killing Joke, Jayce Lewis and Hounds – London Forum 16/3/13

Checking out both the support bands before the show I decided that they certainly warranted a look and further investigation rather than spending time hemmed in with the multitudes in the local pub. It meant that Hounds who had the… Continue Reading →

The Eye – Supremacy (Debemur Morti)

The Eye, interesting name for a band. Is it perhaps all seeing? If it offends thee would you pluck it out? Maybe, and if you still are eyes wide shut and in the dark, if I mentioned that this is… Continue Reading →

Voices – Voices From The Human Forest Create A Fugue Of Imaginary Rain (Candlelight)

Whopping album title and whopping band! I went to check out Voices at one of their first shows at the Unicorn. I took the night off as did not want to review them on a first encounter guessing that they… Continue Reading →

Interview – Voivod

  Just an hour and a bit before this interview was due to take place I could have literally killed technology as I had what can only be described as a bastard power cut. Surrounded by candles with analogue phone… Continue Reading →

Voivod – Target Earth (Century Media)

Just as I sit down to write this review a message pops up on Facebook informing that it is Voivod’s 30th birthday today! Exactly how accurate this is I am uncertain of but it gives me the perfect introduction for… Continue Reading →

A Life Once Lost – Ecstatic Trance (Season Of Mist)

I would not normally be seen dead picking up one of these four word band title albums and giving it a listen, something just shouts out “core” at me and has me grimacing, so I am not sure what drew… Continue Reading →

Nachtmystium – Silencing Machine (Century Media)

No doubt if you are a fan you have been hearing that the new Nachtmystium album is a departure from the psychedelic strangeness of the two ‘Black Meddle’ discs and a return to ‘Instinct Decay,’ even a natural follow up… Continue Reading →

Alaric / Atriarch – Split (20 Buck spin)

Two bands from the Portland and Oakland areas of the USA both hit my radar with excellent debut albums last year. Alaric with their self titled album did things in a way that I would not have expected from an… Continue Reading →

Killing Joke – MMXII (Spinefarm)

If you thought you had escaped from me wittering on about just how good the new Killing Joke album is, think again. The simple fact is that I only got it myself on release day and needed time to digest… Continue Reading →

Latexxx Teens – Adrenochrome Redux (Deathwatch Asia)

The fact that site editor Luci and I both got an email with subject header Latexxx Teens and she immediately deleted it and I immediately opened it speaks for itself. It was not grubby spam as I expected but actually… Continue Reading →

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