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Tag Kayo Dot

Fleshvessel – Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed (I, Voidhanger)

The upshot of Fleshvessel’s offering for this album is extreme metal of a black/death variety but also a symphonic sound comprising an overwhelming array of instruments, including the flute, ocarina, viola, harp, glockenspiel, darbuka, clarinet, jaw harp, Thai phin, trumpet… Continue Reading →

Papangu – Holoceno (Repose Records)

Papangu’s debut album sounds in equal part interesting and daunting, if their introduction of it anything to go by: it is “a concept album inspired by ecological escatology and the modernist literature of Norheastern Brazil – a hardy, arid region… Continue Reading →

Kayo Dot – Moss Grew on the Swords and Plowshare Alike (Prophecy Productions)

Kayo Dot’s last album “Blasphemy” (2019) had me hanging onto every note. The discovery of this band was amazing. When you think that musicians have drained the creative pool like draining all the fish from the sea and there is… Continue Reading →

Vomit Fist – Omnicide (S/R)

Grindcore, the joke that it’s funny to laugh at two second songs never seems to cease to get a reaction. Indeed, due to this and being a bit of a miserable bugger I often scoffed at the genre in the… Continue Reading →

Kayo Dot – Blasphemy (Prophecy Productions)

To quote the band: “Kayo Dot is an avant-goth, progressive experimental doom, abstract electroacoustic black modern compositional metallic band based in Brooklyn NY”. Unsurprisingly I didn’t know what to expect exactly but I knew that Kay Dot’s ninth album “Blasphemy”… Continue Reading →

Sabbath Assembly – A Letter Of Red (Svart)

A decade old and with a wealth of ideas soaking into their world both musically and thematically Sabbath Assembly have grown into one of the more interesting bands around and every new release has something different about it. They started… Continue Reading →

Sabbath Assembly – Rites Of Passage (Svart)

It’s always fascinating following a band from conception through various stages, wondering what they are going to come up with next. Sabbath Assembly have certainly kept the interest levels up with their body of work since dabbling with the hymnals… Continue Reading →

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