Early Katatonia. For those of us ‘of a certain vintage’ (i.e. the wrong side of 30), this is an expression that generally tends to bring a whimsical, comforting sense of nostalgia to mind, echoing reminiscence of pastel-hued, obscure misery metal…. Continue Reading →
Dark imagery is at the centre of this work by Resonance Room from Italy. The tones and structures are in the mould of Katatonia, Anathema and Moonspell, and there’s a leaning towards the progressive end of things. But what dominates… Continue Reading →
A while back I reviewed the split that De Arma did with Fen and expressed a certain amount off cautious optimism with the minor worry that they might be veering a little close to the Fen sound. Well from the… Continue Reading →
This one man doom death project from Germany run by the creative but monstrously deformed brain of Pierre Laube is a slow terrifying assault on your senses that begins with “Downward” and some truly guttural vocals that fit the music… Continue Reading →
Here’s a theory. Bands with four letter words have something interesting to say: Tool, Rush, Root, dEUS, Wham! Ok, perhaps this isn’t universally true but it certainly works for Boil from Denmark. It took me a while to get to… Continue Reading →
Released mid-2010, ‘At the End of a Journey’ has failed to make much of an impression upon the masses, with hardly any reviews to be found either online or in print publications. Formerly known as Carpathia, it is without surprise… Continue Reading →
You know, I can’t help wondering what Solitude put in their water cooler as their release rate as a label is phenomenal. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to impair their judgement as they have a pretty fine quality threshold…. Continue Reading →
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