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Tag John Zorn

Svin – S/T (PonyRec)

And now for something completely different. Nope not Monty Python metal but certainly something a bit off the wall here from Denmark as we get our jazz shoes on and mix things up This is the group’s third album and… Continue Reading →

Shining – One One One (Indie)

If you walk into a record store, that is if you are lucky enough to have one in this day and age, wander over to the metal section; assuming that is if the staff have put this album in that… Continue Reading →

Acrania – An Uncertain Collision (SR)

With this much headfuckery ahoy, I usually find it best to ditch the PR and plough on. In the case of this very idiosyncratic group from Mexico, mostly because somewhere someone mentioned death metal, and it ain’t even ball park… Continue Reading →

Napalm Death – Utilitarian (Century Media)

Ah Napalm Death, a bloody British institution, up there with tea and cucumber sandwiches, ale from the cask on a sunny summer afternoon, punting down the river and playing cricket. Yeah right! Over three decades and stronger than ever Napalm… Continue Reading →

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