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Tag Jarboe

Swords Of Dis – Melencolia (I, Voidhanger)

Blimey, where to start with this one? Well if the idea of 71-minutes of melancholic music from Birmingham fills you with all the fear of being stuck on an endless circuit around Spaghetti Junction, I can’t say I blame you…. Continue Reading →

Phal:Angst – Whiteout (Noise Appeal)

Last album ‘Phase IV’ from this Viennese based project really seemed to speak to me with its mixture of post rock and industrial rooted numbers. They were all of a lengthy running time and sprawled like soundscapes over wide vistas…. Continue Reading →

½ Southern North – Narrations Of A Fallen Soul (LADLO)

Time to pack those musical travel bags and head off in the mind at least to Greece. A nice place for sure but as we travel from South to North the narrations at hand are not going to be full… Continue Reading →

Secrets Of The Moon – Black House (Prophecy)

Things have been heading this way for a while and it is as though we are entering the third phase of the moon and secrets that have been hinted at are finally being unveiled. The first was the harrowing black… Continue Reading →

Vampillia – Happiness Brought by Endless Sorrow (Temple of Torturous)

Almost every band has a one sheet info accompanying their release, giving you some basics about themselves and their album. That’s the golden standard. Apart from that, there are two extremes. Some releases have press info sheets that are so… Continue Reading →

Jarboe & Father Murphy – EP (ConSouling Sounds)

Bonded by a sense of guilt, rooted in their respective Catholic upbringings, a creative collaboration between American artist and performer Jarboe and Italian occult duo Father Murphy seems only natural. Approaching the EP, both Jarboe and Father Murphy each wrote… Continue Reading →

Rïcïnn – Lïan (Blood Music)

Ah that moment where you expect a barrage of tumultuous breakcore and end up soothed by classical music. Not something that happens very often admittedly but Rïcïnn is the project penned by Laure LePrunenec who is the voice behind Corpo… Continue Reading →

IIVII – Colony (Consouling Sounds)

Deep into space or beneath the ocean are two places that music often transport you to and they are places that I certainly like to dwell mainly due to the fantasy elements as they are places that most of us… Continue Reading →

Jarboe and Helen Money – S/T (Aurora Borealis)

What an irresistible pairing! It’s one you’d never dream to put together, but upon hearing of Jarboe and Helen Money’s collaboration you can’t help but think about how right it feels and marvel at how this hasn’t always been an… Continue Reading →

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