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Tag Italy

Methedras – System Subversion (Pavement Records)

Writing for Ave Noctum is never a chore. Sure on the odd occasion I get sent stuff that I would normally swerve like Neo in The Matrix dodges bullets but over the last few months it’s opened my ears to… Continue Reading →

Bunker 66 – Screaming Rock Believers (High Roller)

Well as ‘Seduce Me Tonight’, the first track of this gnarly little album, hit me with all the subtlety of being punched by the Anti-Nowhere League’s logo powered by a Celtic Frost riff my first thought was “Midnight”. It’s not… Continue Reading →

Devangelic – Resurrection Denied (Comatose Music)

There are very few occasions when I find an album difficult to listen to in a repetitive loop. This isn’t because it’s bad, far from it, but owing to its sheer intensity & brutality it eventually becomes a little much…. Continue Reading →

Derdian – Human Reset (S/R)

  I had the pleasure of reviewing Derdian’s last release, 2013’s self released “Limbo” for Ave Noctum, and the biggest surprise that 2014 holds (other than that the band have trusted me to review them again!) is that they still… Continue Reading →

EpisThemE – Descending Patterns (Slowburn)

Formed in 2010, this Italian band set about their debut album by dazzling us with a number of styles. Within the first two minutes, I’d heard an intense death-thrash riff, a strong progressive thread, death vocals, a moody jazz guitar… Continue Reading →

Children Of Technology – Future Decay (Hells Headbangers)

It’s been a while since I had anything sent up from the no nonsense Hells Headbangers label so this was nice. Doubly so that despite missing their first album I’ve had half an eye on these Italian metal punks. Triply… Continue Reading →

Vardan – Enjoy Of Deep Sadness (Moribund)

I have a feeling that if you look up ‘prolific’ in the dictionary you’ll find the standard definition crossed out and one man Italian atmospheric black metal band Vardan inserted. It’s what, about three albums in eighteen months? And depending… Continue Reading →

Riti Occulti – Secta (Epidemie Records)

The first album by this band, whose name translates as “Occult Rituals”, was described as “50 minutes of monolithic riffs, (which) immerses the listener into an abyss of dark psychedelic sounds and ritualistic atmospheres”. That pretty well sums up “Secta”,… Continue Reading →

Orbitoclasto – Macerie (S/R)

Short and sweet all round here. This EP came telling me nothing more than the fact that this is a black crust band from Italy by “a bunch of guys already involved in other projects.” They have a pretty unfathomable… Continue Reading →

Elvenking – The Pagan Manifesto (AFM)

There’s this game everyone can play: What music do various fantasy/folklore races listen to? Nasty Hobittses? Folk music. Maybe a bit of Korpiklaani. Giants? True doom, bit of sludge doom. Orcs? Black and death exclusively. Dwarves? Metal metal metal heavy… Continue Reading →

Electrocution – Metaphysincarnation (GoreGorecords)

Italians Electrocution return after years in the wilderness with their second full length album ‘Metaphysincarnation’, which for me is already a front runner for the ‘most difficult album to pronounce when drunk’ award for 2014. Having been known mainly for… Continue Reading →

Barbarian – Faith Extinguisher (Doomentia)

This Italian band by their own admission are obsessed with Celtic Frost and raw 80’s metal in general, even the PR spiel has you believing this, so it is justified? Whilst there are some similarities to the acclaimed Swiss band,… Continue Reading →

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