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Tag Italy

Ultra Violence – Deflect The Flow (Candlelight)

Ultra Violence are (for those who are un-initiated) a young Italian bunch of thrash-revivalists, who started out their career with their debut full length ‘Privilege to Overcome’ on the modern thrash pushing label Punishment 18, and now see their 2nd… Continue Reading →

Blood And Black Lace – Mario Bava (Arrow)

The vaults of Mario Bava are certainly deep and contain plenty of obsidian treasure. Thankfully Arrow keep on digging and plundering more riches from them and with Blood And Black Lace we travel right back to 1964. This was made… Continue Reading →

Forgotten Tomb – Hurt Yourself And The Ones You Love (Agonia)

A new slice of depressive megalomania from Italian misery merchants Forgotten Tomb is always a welcome proposition. Even if musically they have gotten a bit less gloomy since their early more depressive days you can tell by the title of… Continue Reading →

Ufomammut –Ecate (Neurot)

I will start out by helping you out. It’s pronounced “oofomammoot”. I am not being patronising. This is a moniker I have seen in print many times but never heard said aloud by anyone with any conviction.  It means UFO… Continue Reading →

Ergot – Victims Of Our Same Dreams (De Tenebrarum Principio)

Never sampled it but always been intrigued about Ergot. It’s a fungal growth found on rye and has hallucinogenic properties that made lots of people unsuspectingly trip out through history, unfortunately when taken in unsafe levels in infected bread it… Continue Reading →

Strange Here – II (Minotauro)

We like Strange so let’s see exactly what we have Here! Well this Italian duo have ties back to the countrie’s very rich and fertile doom origins with the brother of vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Alexander Scardavian (Gilas) having been vocalist… Continue Reading →

Embryo – S/T (Logic(il)logic Records)

This is the third album from this Italian death metal outfit which has had Francesco Paoli from Fleshgod Apocalypse playing drums. Said Italian band is a good reference point for this one as they bombard the listener with a wholesome… Continue Reading →

Warnungstraum – Mirror Waters (Nykta)

I kind of need consoling, after all it’s been a month since I last had any new Vardan material so I have been finding some solace in the black metal of a couple of other bands from his Italian countrymen…. Continue Reading →

Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin Perform Profondo Rosso – London Barbican 21/2/15

Well this place is certainly not one of our normal dives for going to see bands. That’s not just what we are doing tonight here either as we will be watching a film too. 50 Shades Of Grey is showing… Continue Reading →

Selvans – Clangores Plenilunio (Avantgarde Music)

This EP is a posthumous release for drummer/vocalist Jonny to whom the remainder of the Italian band dedicate as a tribute. As they have gig dates in the diary for March, it would appear that the trio of Selvans Haruspex… Continue Reading →

Legion of Andromeda – Iron Scorn (At War With False Noise / Unholy Anarchy)

Ting, ting, ting, dum, dum, dum, plod plod, plod, growl, growl, growl, thump, thump, thump, judder, judder, judder, gibber, gibber, gibber and repeat for 45 minutes and there ladies and gentlemen you have it, welcome to Legion Of Andromeda. I… Continue Reading →

Vardan – The Night The Loneliness (Moribund)

I almost deleted the digital promo for this thinking I had only just reviewed it but nope that was last month and ‘Verses From Ancient Times.’ Vardan is already on his second album of 2015 and if what the PR… Continue Reading →

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