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Tag Iron Maiden

Blizzard Hunter – Heavy Metal to the Vein (Pure Underground Records)

This band are from Lima, Peru and started life as a tribute act in 2006 and up until last year they were known simply as Blizzard – but there are umpteen bands called that! So that maybe the reason for… Continue Reading →

High On Fire – Luminiferous (Century Media)

One band who undeniably create a weighty wall-of-sound, an earthy noise that explodes from fathoms below the surface, is High On Fire – they never were a band for the faint-hearted. Embedded into the driving whirlwind that is Des Kensel’s… Continue Reading →

Soldier – Defiant (Starhaven Records)

NWOBHM underdogs Soldier released a storming album called ‘Dogs of War’ a couple of years back, ‘Defiant’ is a brand new release that does more than rest on past glories and musical styles. Whilst still a very British metal album,… Continue Reading →

Interview – Ensiferum

Having reviewed their latest album ‘One Man Army,’ I jumped at the chance of shooting some questions toward one of Ensiferum’s band members. Since liking Norther back in the day I thought it was only right to pick vocalist Petri… Continue Reading →

Hamerex – The Last Ride (IX Music)

Finally, Yorkshire’s Hamerex have delivered a release I knew they could! That’s not to detract or belittle their previous material which has been covered on this site a few times before, no, but they have gone and developed and delivered… Continue Reading →

Anthropia – Non Euclidian Spaces (Adarca)

French progressive power metallers Anthropia have set their sights on a lofty target with this release. A concept album based on the Cthulhu mythos and all things Lovecraftian certainly spells ambition and roping in Arjen Anthony Lucassen of Ayreon fame,… Continue Reading →

Sacral Rage – Illusions in Infinite Void (Cruz Del Sur)

Sacral Rage (from Greece) play a style of US metal popular in the mid to late 80’s. But rather than being one dimensional towards that era, there is a touch of progressive, a touch of thrash, a whole lot of… Continue Reading →

Bulldozing Bastard – Under The Ram (High Roller)

Bulldozing Bastard do exact what their name would suggest, that being kicking your doors in, stinking you out with B.O., stale beer and fags, incessantly whipping their lank hair in your face, leaving you covered in sputum after generally rocking… Continue Reading →

Toledo Steel – Zero Hour (S/R)

Toledo Steel are a band that has improved their art so much over the last few months, their first demo was on the money, their first EP, oozed class and this new EP ‘Zero Hour’ shows a band ahead of… Continue Reading →

Evil Invaders – Pulses of Pleasure (Napalm)

With a name which pays homage to Canadian Thrashers Razor (The title of their 1985 thrash masterpiece album), it doesn’t take much to guess what these Belgian guys play for a living. Full of energy and classic 80’s attitude, Evil… Continue Reading →

Trial – Vessel (High Roller)

A Swedish metal band! Whoda thunkit? Surely that scantly populated country only produces pop? Okay, mickey taking aside, any fan of metal with even the most rudimentary knowledge of the genre, and its many sub-genres, is fully aware of the… Continue Reading →

Zero Down – No Limit To The Evil (Minotauro Records)

There’s something immediately American about Zero Down. The instantly familiar style of the artwork (done by Ed Repka of Death/Megadeth etc fame) aside, the band’s look, style and sound really does seem very Stateside. And Zero Down ARE American (luckily… Continue Reading →

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