In the world of underground music that Ave Noctum makes its lair, there are any number of one-man bands, frequently in the niche corners of black metal, living in the basements of their parents whilst screaming evilly into a microphone… Continue Reading →
When your father is Tony Hawk, the man most famously known for helping launch ‘vert’ skateboarding into the spotlight, along with being the name to one of Activision/Ubisoft’s longest running cash cow gaming franchises (Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series), it… Continue Reading →
Tuscan occult inspired doom/classic rock hybrid created with some divine backing Psychedelic Witchcraft are back with the follow up to their impressive 2016 release, ‘The Vision’. Not giving much away with the title, hinting heavily in the direction of the… Continue Reading →
Whilst I may now be in my 45th year on this planet, and sometimes look back with fondness on the days of vinyl, tape exchanges, and badly printed fanzines on a few pages of photocopied A4 paper, the modern age… Continue Reading →
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