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Tag Ireland

Mourning Beloveth – Formless (Grau)

Has it really been almost five years since ‘A Disease For The Ages,’ was released? Yes even though it hardly seems like it this Irish group have been inactive album wise for quite some time. When you look at it… Continue Reading →

Celtachor – Nine Waves from the Shore (SR)

Never were two themes more comfortably aligned than heavy metal and the legends of the Dark Ages and beyond. But, so keen are many of us to buy into it, that the output from the scene often fails to measure… Continue Reading →

Sirocco – Lambay (Self Released)

I don’t know why but I expected much more from this bands third full length which is based on the concept of the Viking invasion of Ireland. Claiming to fuse Celtic influences with metal is nothing new whatsoever and in… Continue Reading →

Three Hour Ceasefire – Cry Havoc (Savour Your Scene)

If a debut EP achieves anything it should at least be a determined effort to give the world a kick up its backside.Ireland’s Three Hour Ceasefire sound like they have strapped on their hobnail boots for the attempt and taken… Continue Reading →

Eternal Helcaraxe -Against All Odds (Abyss)

Now stay with me (look at the score if you must) but I have to say that by the time I get to the first few seconds of the second track on Against All Odds, Ireland’s Eternal Helcaraxe have managed… Continue Reading →

Waylander – Kindred Spirits (Listenable Records)

Folk metal bands: you either love their jaunty refrains and occasional use of penny whistles, or you want to invade their lands and impale them all on large spikes. I will admit that they may be slightly over represented in… Continue Reading →

Gacys Threads – The Ignorance of Purity

Artist: Gacys Threads Title: The Ignorance of Purity Type: EP Label: Savour Your Scene Records   Belfast bruisers Gacys Threads is a new proposition to me and I will be investing in their entire back catalogue after hearing this absolute… Continue Reading →

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